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Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Episode 5 Review: On This Foundation

Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Episode 5 Review: On This Foundation

Tensions were high at Annie’s 16th birthday party.

Kathy crashed Annie’s party and caused a scene on Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Episode 5, embarrassing herself and everyone else.

In addition, ugly truths flared at Margarita night, and the ladies fought like we had never seen them before.

Family dynamics are complicated, and Ronnie was caught in the middle between his wife and his estranged sister.

Kathy has been rude since Sweet Magnolias Season 3 began, though part of me wonders what started this cold war.

Did Kathy start this war with Dana Sue and Ronnie only because Ms. Frances helped fund Sullivans and left it to Dana Sue?

Getting along with the in-laws can be difficult, especially if the sibling felt like you stole their place.

Don’t you dare drag my real sisters into your mess.

Dana Sue

Kathy thought that Dana Sue stole Ronnie and turned the entire town against her.

She only embarrassed herself by hurling insults at half the town. That was a tricky spot for Ronnie, but his heart belonged to Dana Sue and Annie, and he’s still trying to prove to her that he’s reformed.

Being your own person and not getting lost in the relationship is often challenging.

All the guys have worked on this since they partnered with feisty women.

We have to know who we are apart from them to bring something to the relationship.


Both Cal and Ryan were struggling to find new jobs. Baseball was all Cal identified with, and Ryan had been traveling for months, so now he needed to find something that excited him like law excited Helen.

Ryan was prepared to give everything up for Helen, but he wanted to discuss ground rules. That made Helen panic since it might actually be real.

Even though Annie is technically dating Jackson, Ty was the one who was continually there on her 16th birthday. The two of them are slowly returning to being in each other’s orbits again.

Jackson wouldn’t even attend her birthday party for fear of disobeying his mother. Annie was slowly beginning to realize these quirks. However, Ty wrote and sang a funny and endearing song about what he liked about her.

Music is something Ty always shared with Annie, and it was adorable. Even though Ty liked Annie, he still drove her to see Jackson after her party.

Those chaperoned dates were over, though. Unlike Kyle, Ty feared Mary Vaughn and had difficulty covering for the lovebirds. The lies will come out soon, and then there will be hell to pay.

As mentioned, I think Sweet Magnolias Season 3 has too many unnecessary characters.

I would have liked to see more of Mary Vaughn and her backstory instead of so many scenes with Noreen and the babies.

Allison Gabriel hoped they would have explored the reasons for Mary Vaughn’s rivalry with the Magnolias and delved deeper into her family drama. They whisked the Lewises away without explaining why.

Many fans were hoping Nellie and Kyle would get a second chance, but instead, it looks like he has a secret admirer. Moving to Castlewood hurts Nellie and Jackson more than it affects her rivals or the community of Serenity.

What made this fight even more devastating was only hours before, the ladies were toasting their friendship and considering beginning a new business venture.

Creating a foundation to assist people seems like something the Magnolias would do.

Dana Sue: As long as you two are a part of it.
Maddie: Happily.
Helen: Indeed.

Dana Sue has always been passionate about feeding the community, and Helen enjoys helping the community. Hopefully, we’ll get to see the foundation get used before the end of the season.

These women are the epitome of Serenity, so it was no surprise that Annie craved a friendship like theirs.

Almost everyone had some decent points in this fight, and these accusations ran deep. This isn’t the type of disagreement that blows over in a day or two.

Things were said that the women couldn’t take back. The thing about sisters is they don’t hold back with tough love, and the Magnolias are practically sisters.

Maddie wanted to share all the lessons she had learned now that she and Cal were happier, but this wasn’t the appropriate time.

Sometimes, when you love someone, it’s difficult to watch them make a mistake, and that’s how Maddie and Dana Sue felt watching Helen with Ryan.

What was ironic was that earlier in the evening, Helen defended her friends to Ryan when he felt like every action was under a microscope.

Living in a small town, everyone is up in your business, and it’s worse when your two best friends know everything about you.

While Helen claimed she waited forever for this second chance with Ryan, it also seemed like she wanted to prove they could be happy to the world.

Helen couldn’t bear to be wrong this time. She does love Ryan, and she’d given up too much, so instead,d she lashed out at the people she loved and trusted most.

“On This Foundation” ended unexpectedly. The Magnolias have never fought like that. They should have been toasting their new venture, not questioning Helen’s every move.

Which Magnolia did you agree with? Was Maddie too outspoken, or does Helen have the right to date whomever she pleases?

What is Kathy’s next move against Dana Sue? Do you have any compassion for her as Ryan did?

Chime in below.

Laura Nowak is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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