Great news! “Face Off 6: The Ticket of Destiny” is available to watch on Netflix UK!
Date Added: 28th August 2023
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Six friends strike it big as their shared lottery ticket wins them billions, but a death in the group starts a chain of greed that could ruin it all.
Certificate: Suitable for ages 15 and up
Year: 2023
Duration: 2hr 11m
Audio: Vietnamese [Original]
Subtitles: English, Filipino, Vietnamese
Cast and Crew
Director: Ly Hai
Cast: Quoc Cuong, Trung Dung, Huy Khanh, Thanh Thuc, Diep Bao Ngoc, Tran Kim Hai, Huynh Thi, Tu Tri, Quynh Nhu, Ta Lam, Be Thuy Linh
Production & Box Office Details:
“Face Off 6: The Ticket of Destiny” was produced by Ly Hai Production and was originally released on April 28th 2023.
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