Your weekly horoscope is here. If you could benefit from less noise or (bad) news pollution, this is your sign: to focus on health and wellness this week by decluttering your environment, newsfeeds, and your mind. Settle on a mantra you physically feel as it brings a sense of peace and calm through your body. Embrace your inner lover (of art, a person, music, equality) as la Luna cycles through her first quarter phase and the sun swings into charming Libra — just in time for the weekend and marking the Autumn equinox.
Read on to discover your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of September 17 through September 24, 2023.
Welcome to the season of the lovers, Aries. As the sun sets up camp in your opposite sign, a focus on all things relational comes into focus. This is your time to assess the balance in each significant one-to-one and perhaps call in or move toward an ideal. Note that it’s our partnerships that hold a mirror to us, our own behavior, and our beliefs about love and what is possible. Use this period to assess yours and bring more beauty, harmony, and love to your life. Start by sharing your passion and enthusiasm with those ready to embrace and accept it. From Saturday, two may be better than one, so team up in a dynamic duo for the win.
If you’ve gotten your love life rolling, a creative project cued up, or feel like it’s time to pack away the picnic blanket and get some work done, you’ve nailed this month’s cosmic memo. The sun heads up your work and wellness zone from the weekend, so squeeze in the final rendezvous, leisure, or time off shenanigans before Saturday. Roll up your sleeves and get the jump on work. Or perhaps it’s time to test your experiments and refine them for a practical or commercial outcome. Take a balanced approach to health with moderation and harmony as your touchstones. Keep it pleasurable, and bring beauty into your work environment to inspire your soul. It may be time to collaborate on an idea and consider who may be the perfect fit.