Your weekly horoscope is here. As we stride across the midpoint of 2023, Saturday’s Luna maximum may add a sense of urgency. Under the illuminating beams, zoom out and gauge your progress so far. Embrace the big picture, be free from self-judgment, and look for wins and moments of achievement. Take the opportunity to reevaluate your plans to hit your target; aim high and focus rather than scatter your arrows.
Read on to discover your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of May 28 through June 3, 2023.
The run-up to the weekend’s full moon is an exercise in larger-than-life feelings and attending to your grandest vision. The key is to follow your instinct and cleave to your highest philosophy. Expansion, vision, and pursuit of God-dess/a higher power or calling are all on this week’s memo. As the full moon forms a brilliant angle (flow) to your sign, your wattage brightens as you align with your vision. Plenty of sage advice recommends we hitch our wagon to a higher cause, and this week it rings true for you. That could be finding an avenue of study, hopping on the plan, or delving deep into conversation and listening in for what lights your inner fire, then following its guiding light.
Ooh la la Taurus, this weekend’s full moon reveal is, as the British like to say, ‘dead sexy.’ Take a mystery tour of someone else’s secrets as truth and adventure make an erotic combination. If you are bingeing a dating show for all the gory drama, blame it, la Luna. Leave the showdowns for the streaming platforms and revel in the pleasurable side of intimacy. That may look like an incredibly close weekend with your lover or a long, deep, and meaningful with trusted, honest, yet upbeat friends. Dig into a taboo topic while a sense of detachment and buoyancy prevail. Truths may surface over the week, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. Self-revelation is on the cards, so explore your inner emotional terrain and enjoy the ride! Balance by maintaining your private island of stability, ideas aka intellectual property, and income.