Newsflash: Your weekly horoscope has arrived. Tuesday’s full moon represents an energetic high, so get out and expand your mind, be social, talk to people from different backgrounds or tune into their work from afar. The emphasis is on learning and understanding multiple perspectives, while an element of confusion will reign for anyone clinging to dogma. It’s okay not to know; make space to allow understanding.
Rule of thumb for your weekly horoscope this week, if you don’t know, ask clarifying questions
Read on to discover what’s in store for your sign during the week of June 12 through June 18, 2022.
Tuesday’s full moon shines its light on all things travel, study, and generally expanding your worldview. You got the assignment right if it’s foreign to your known universe. If not, how can you stretch out of your comfort zone this week? Talk to people from different backgrounds, or listen to their social commentary to pick up on a new angle you wouldn’t usually be exposed to. It will make sense of the world, and you’ll be more cosmopolitan as a by-product. This is a week of easy flow that supports your personality and direction. What will you share with this world this week?
This promises to be a steamy and intoxicating week as the full moon ripens in your zone of sex and mystery. Note what and who shows up on your radar Taurus, and where the compass of your desire is clearly pointing. It’s not always the obvious or even sensible, even if it is the truth. Social psychologist Brene Brown’s most recent work, Atlas of the heart, may help navigate the chambers and intricacies this week lays bare. Be sure to balance your forays into all things love and collaboration by securing your own patch of grass, bank account, and things that belong to you and only you, so you’re stable enough to brave the mystery of others.