Rick Prickett, Competition Director
The IndieFEST is proud to announce the latest winners. Congratulations to all the filmmakers who participated in the current season!The awards go to those filmmakers who produce fresh, standout entertainment and compelling documentaries. The IndieFEST is a top-tier international awards competition. It honors professionals, established and emerging, who demonstrate exceptional achievement in craft and creativity. The goal of The IndieFEST is to help the winners of this coveted award achieve the recognition they deserve. Additionally, each year IndieFEST also bestows a special award to productions that make significant contributions to social change or a humanitarian effort. Please visit www.TheIndieFEST.com to learn more about the IndieFEST Humanitarian Award.
~ Best of Show ~
Sibel’s Silence – Aly Yeganeh
Aly Yeganeh (France), Sibel’s Silence (Le Silence de Sibel), Film Feature – A film that is both gritty and touching, Sibel’s Silence tells the story of 13-year-old Sibel, one of the many thousands of girls kidnapped by ISIS fighters in Iraq. After her entire family was murdered, Sibel was taken as a prisoner and forced into sexual slavery. Hana, an ophthalmologist cannot bear the atrocities committed against Yazidi women, pays a ransom, adopts Sibel and brings her to France. She tries to provide her with a normal life filled and finds it triggers traumas of her own. Sibel cannot shake the trauma, refuses to speak; her haunting memories are always present. Insightful direction by Yeganeh, he skillfully incorporates a poignant script, muted color palette and even the architecture itself to carefully craft the story and tone. Achingly authentic performances by a talented cast. An exceptional and highly nuanced character portrayal by Laëtitia Eïdo (Netflix’s Fauda, Apple TV’s Liaison) and a convincing depiction of complex trauma by Mélissa Boros. Also stars: Patrick Azam (The Last Panthers), Rusen Houssin, Kondwani Fernandes Mores, Sadettin Cecen (Si tu meurs, je te tue), Claire Gable, Marie-Bénédicte Cazeneuve (By the Grace of God), Melha Bossard (The Night Clerk), Valérie Théodore (Je vous prie de sortir). Screened at Cannes. T.B.Y. Productions. LOULL Production. Axxon Media..
~ Outstanding Achievement ~
(Im)Patient – Constanza Fernández
Constanza Fernández (Chile), (Im)Patient, Feature Film / Disability Issues – A doctor and expert in ethics, Sergio Graf has to fight the Chilean health system as a patient when he gets Guillain-Barré syndrome. It is a journey toward physical deterioration, a loss of safety, and returning to something that he has until now taken for granted: his family. An insightful look at both the helpful and damaged side of the healthcare system. With deft direction, an intelligent and poignant script and driven by a talented cast, Fernández delivers a film that is both memorable and relatable. Produced by Roberto Doveris, Nino Ninas Films. Stars: Héctor Noguera (Mr Kaplan), Amparo Noguera (Death Will Come, Shall Have Your Eyes), Naldy Hernandez (Dime con Quién Andas), Daniel Muñoz (Rara), Emilia Noguera (La Poseída), Diego Casanueva (Teresa: Crucificada), Paola Giannini (Gatas & Tuercas).
~ Award of Excellence Special Mention ~
Rob Margolies, Different Duck Films (USA), Bobcat Moretti, Film Feature – A heart-wrenching drama about an obese man with M.S. who takes up boxing to overcome personal tragedy and find inner peace guided by the strength of a wise coach. Stars Tim Realbuto (Yes), Vivica A Fox (Kill Bill), SAG winners Taryn Manning and Matt Peters with Emmy-nominee Mindy Sterling (Austin Powers), Oscar-nominee Sally Kirkland.
William Goins (USA), THE GREY SPACE, PSA – Oscar winner Liam Neeson voices this heart wrenching PSA about dramatic international rescues of families stranded behind the lines of war in Ukraine, an evacuation in Afghanistan and the carnage of a Cat 5 Hurricane IAN – through Project Dynamo a dedicated force of veterans that work in the “grey space” where the government does not have presence, access or cannot operate.
Dilip Harnarayan Dixit (India), Meera, Film Feature – An uplifting story of a woman from a poor village transcending her tragedies through love and dedication and lifting thousands of women out of poverty and dependence. Compassionate direction. Based on true events. Stars: Heena Varde (Ghar Ek Mandir), Maulik Chauhan (20 hours), Sanjay Parmar (Ek Villain Returns), Chetan Daiya (3 Ekka), Reeva Rachh (Oxygen).
Mike Hill (Australia), Live the Life You Please, Doc Feature – A powerful doc about end of life and shaping our present-day choices. With exceptionally crafted and inspiring stories, award winning Hill makes the case for the power of care choices – from urban hospitals to indigenous in-country settings. An emotional journey through the lives of a diverse range of people in their last chapter. A potent and inspirational doc.
Patrick Centurioni (Austria), Gentle Mountain – The Foothills of The Alps, Nature / Wildlife -Highlighting one of the most species-rich regions in Europe – the foothills of the Alps. Animals of all kinds meet along two worlds as their habitat is shockingly near human development. Wild deer, rain-dancing owls, and a battle of wits between jays and squirrels are some of the stories told with stunning cinematography and buoyant soundtrack.
Michael Houston King (USA), Townsend, TV Pilot Program – Celebrity TV therapist Patrick Townsend loses his career and must re-build his life. With counsel from a friend encouraging his truth and a type-A patient holding repressed trauma – he begins to find his groove. Smart insightful script and authentic performances. Daytime Emmy-nominee Matt Borlenghi (Cobra Kai), Cameron Arnett (Eleanor’s Bench), Wynn Everett (Palmer).
Jon Ryan Sugimoto (USA), Gut Punch, Film Short – Darkness rumbles beneath the floorboards of a Brooklyn bodega as three locals argue about pills, politics, and semantics. Perhaps the wittiest script ever written about Probiotics – it is amusingly delivered through creatively real yet comedic performances. Stars: Joe List (Can I Help You), Greer Barnes (Joker), Radel Ortiz, Sabrina Piper (The Deuce).
Dennis Trombly (USA), Man in the Mountain, Film Short – A shocking youth camp alien encounter impacts the lives of two people reunite a decade to unravel secrets with the help of a mysterious scientist. Intriguing story with compelling VFX by Fernado Lupo. Stars Jay Disney (Hank), Debbie Gerber (The End of the World), Nimo Pinchart (Loud Voices, Silent Streets), Sam Bayaraa (Kingdom).
Julie Money (Australia), With Grace, Web Series – The third season following Grace since the death of her Dad when she was 10. Now 18-years old, she negotiates the last days of high school – guided by the wisdom of her late father and her loving mother. A bittersweet story about growing up, resilience and the importance of keeping stories and memories alive. Stars: Grace Truman, Ben Wood, Justine Clarke (Tangle).
~ Award of Excellence ~
Ali Keyvan (Iran), THE WINNER, Children / Family Programming
Aly Yeganeh (France), Sibel’s Silence, Direction, Actress: Leading (Laëtitia Eïdo as Hana), Actress: Supporting (Mélissa Boros as Sibel), Ensemble Cast
Bill Walker (USA), Whiskey Mountain Days—Proof of Concept, Film Short, Direction
Cal Scott (USA), MIDNIGHT DRIVE, The Movie (band: Scott, Bailey & Ross), Music Video, Original Song (Composed by Cal Scott, Bob Bailey and Dan Ross)
Christian Gerring and John Farrelly, Pancake Studios (United Kingdom), Never Alone, Film Short
Cindy Drukier (USA), The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told, Documentary Feature, Special Purpose Productions
Constanza Fernández (Chile), (Im)Patient, Disability Issues
David Naglieri (USA), In Solidarity with Ukraine, Christian, Documentary Short, Editing, Direction
David Schlussel (USA), EULOGY, Jewish, Script / Writer (David Schlussel)
Dennis Trombly (USA), Man in the Mountain, Direction
Dilip Harnarayan Dixit (India), Meera, Asian, Actress: Leading (Heena Varde as Meera), Viewer Impact: Motivational / Inspirational
Francisco Del Ryo (France), OUTSIDE FRANCISQUE, Script / Writer
Irina Vodar (USA), Anything You Lose, Documentary Feature, Viewer Impact: Content / Message Delivery, Reality Programming
Joel Umbaugh (USA), December Fades – “Sunrise”, Music Video, Original Song
John Vamvas and Olga Montes (Canada), Scarpedicemente, Actor: Leading (John Vamvas as Luigi), Actress: Leading (Olga Montes as Holly), Film Feature, (Olga Montes and John Vamvas), Script / Writer (John Vamvas and Olga Montes)
Jon Ryan Sugimoto (USA), Gut Punch, Ensemble Cast, Direction, Script / Writer
Julie Money (Australia), With Grace, Actress: Leading (Grace Truman as Grace), Actor: Supporting (Ben Wood as Dad), Women Filmmakers
Kate Johnston (USA), The Last Word, Actress: Leading (Barbara Niven as Jillian ), Ensemble Cast, Script / Writer, Actor: Supporting (Tom Katsis as Fred)
Kris Millgate (USA), On Grizzly Ground, Nature / Environment / Wildlife
Lawrence Staebler (USA), Days Away, Music Video
Lilton Stewart III (USA), The Burden of Guilt, Film Feature
Lukasz Wdowicz (Poland), Life Savers, Commercial / Infomercial
Mark Cline (USA), Checked Bags, Experimental, Dramatic Impact
Massimo Zompicchiatti (Italy), Dissolution, Sound Editing / Sound Mixing
Michael Houston King (USA), Townsend, Christian
Nicolas Dimopulos (Argentina), TELESCOPE, Young Filmmaker – 17 and younger
Peter Williams (United Kingdom), LIDICE – THE VILLAGE THAT REFUSED TO DIE, Direction, Documentary Feature, History / Biographical
Rob Margolies, Different Duck Films (USA), Bobcat Moretti, Actor: Leading (Tim Realbuto as Bobby “Bobcat” Moretti), Actress: Leading (Vivica A. Fox as Jo Wallis), Actor: Supporting (Matt Peters as Charlie Moretti), Actress: Supporting (Sheria Irving as Lacey Harris)
Robin Greenberg (New Zealand), Grant Sheehan: Light, Ghosts & Dreams, Documentary Feature, Direction
Sierra Productions (USA), TRANSFORMATION, Documentary Feature, Original Score (Music composed by Patrick Rundblad. Orchestration, Arrangement, and Conducting by Salvatore Di Vittorio. Performed by Chamber Orchestra of New York.)
Thomas Michael Heinemann (Germany), PAULAS DAD and the Right Button in his Head, Children / Family Programming
~ Award of Merit Special Mention ~
4 A Films (USA), Five Questions, Actress: Leading (Amber Paul as Jill)
Antonio Zapiain Luna (USA), Bbcitos, Actress: Leading (MJ Garcia as Bbcita), Film Short, Cinematography (Antonio Zapiain Luna)
Ashley Mosher (USA), Goodboy, Documentary Short
Chris Frint, Michael Faner and Elvin Rey Magsino (USA), The Sound of Waves, Actor: Leading (Tom Phelan as Ethan), Actress: Leading (Alex Frnka as Jenna)
Collin Nelson (USA), The Last Liftoff, Young Filmmaker – 17 and younger
Dirk Zekveld (Netherlands), A Brief History Of Jesus Messiah, Christian
Eric Luther Ingram (USA), Birth Of A Song, Film Short, African American
Gary Null and Valerie Van Cleve (USA), Manufacturing Madness, Documentary Feature
Jed Charles Parker (USA), Cine-Symphony Planet Earth, Nature / Environment / Wildlife
John L. Brooks II (USA), The Story Behind the Art, Documentary Short
Jude Ramirez (USA), Butterflies, Film Short, Contemporary Issues / Awareness Raising
KC Schulberg (USA), THE URGENCY OF NOW, Documentary Short
Meghan G. Graham (USA), Roadkill Jamboree, Animation (Student)
Patrick Rea (USA), The Last Butterflies, Film Short
Rick Walker (USA), Guardians, Actress: Leading (Mackenzie McIntyre as Anne)
Roman S. Koenig (USA), Red Blooded, Actress: Supporting (Laura Bohlin as Kate Baumann)
Sara Werner and Liesl Wilke (USA), Lines, Women Filmmakers
Talon Boggess (Canada), The Rose, Film Short, Creativity / Originality
Tane McClure (USA), Séance Games – METAXU, Film Feature
Zane (France), Je, Actress: Leading (Cassandre Anaya as Soul), Actress: Supporting (Sabrina Campilii as Young Woman), Film Short
~ Award of Merit ~
4 A Films (USA), Five Questions, Direction (David Arrow), Ensemble Cast (Kiera Allen, David Arrow, Andrew Arrow, Joyia D. Bradley, Donna Lynne Champlin, Elijah Guo, Amber Paul, Tom Alan Robbins and Eliza Simone), Editing (Joseph Huba), Film Short, Cinematography (Mark Raker), Makeup (Ashley DiSarro), Original Score (David Robbins), Sound Editing / Sound Mixing (Colin Barry-Jester), Production Design (Celina Arslanian)
Allen Kool (Canada), CRY OF SILENCE, Direction, Script / Writer (Robin E. Crozier)
Amanda Beardsley (USA), So Help Me, Television – Program / Series
Antoine Priou (France), Luke and Oscar, Children / Family Programming, Animation
Brennan Bunn (USA), Seeds, Film Short
Cecilia Tuttle (USA), The Big Picture, Disability Issues (Student)
Ceyda Aşar (Turkey), This Is Not A Place For You, Film Short
Chris Frint, Michael Faner and Elvin Rey Magsino (USA), The Sound of Waves, Direction (Chris Frint)
Christopher Martini (USA), Dear Mom, Music Video
Cindy Drukier (USA), The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told, Liberation / Social Justice / Protest, Women Filmmakers
Cornell Calhoun III (USA), Longwood, Script / Writer
Daryl Ferrara (USA), Ashen Realities, Film Short, Creativity / Originality
Dastan Khalili (USA), Day – 9, Direction, Film Short
Francesco Brunotti (USA), Adventures Of Samurai Bron, Animation
Francisco Del Ryo (France), OUTSIDE FRANCISQUE, Creativity / Originality
Grace Wijaya (USA), Singing in the Lifeboat, Film Short (Student), Women Filmmakers (Student)
Grant Clover and Michael Metzler Jr. (USA), I Walk With Ghosts, Film Short, Dramatic Impact
Harriet Dunning (United Kingdom), The Final Test, Women Filmmakers, Editing
Heath Ramsay and Duncan Ragg (Australia), Mine Mine Mine, Film Short
Ian Sciacaluga (United Kingdom), Imbroglio, Film Short, Direction
Jared Esteban (USA), Lift, Film Short (Student)
Jason Turchin, Sue Gilad, Larry Rogowsky, Nick Flatto and Jonathan Hogue (USA), Stranger Sings! The Parody Musical, Film Feature
Jay Coggeshall and Susan Henoch (USA), The Life You’re Given, Disability Issues
Jimmy Francis (Greece), Support Group Olympus, Actor: Supporting (Kostis Rampavilas as Dionysus)
Joe McInnis (Canada), Cry About It, Film Short (Student), Creativity / Originality (Student)
Joey 西侧龙 (China), EXODUS, Film Feature
John L. Brooks II (USA), The Story Behind the Art, Narration / Voice-Over Talent
Jonathan Backman (Malta), The Maestro, Film Short
Joshua Christoph (USA), Love, Angelica, Film Short (Student)
Jyoti Madnani Singh (India), I Am Not Down, Children / Family Programming
Kat Ferentchak (USA), Accessory, Film Short
Khaled Sultan (Ireland), Time’s Exchange, Script / Writer
Laura Gonzalez y Matute (Mexico), Murales en movimiento. José Clemente Orozco y las hermanas Campobello, Documentary Short
Leonard Eckhaus (USA), If I Were a Pony, Children / Family Programming
Liam Wan Lui Martin and Fiona Stirling Lui Martin (USA), Cry of the Yellow Moon, Young Filmmaker – 17 and younger
Luca Campodifiori (United Kingdom), Dock Day, Film Short (Student)
Maria Collette Sundeen (USA), Lifeless, Film Short, Narration / Voiceover Talent
Mark Meisenheimer (USA), Quindaro Ruins-A Documentary Film, Documentary Feature
Martina Webster (USA), Christmas Witch, Script / Writer
Massimo Zompicchiatti (Italy), Dissolution, Music Video
Matthew Toffolo (USA), Dark Realities, Experimental
Michael McQuown (USA), The Night Slayer, Editing
Milad Khaleghimanesh (Iran), Fringe Fallen, Documentary Short
Nathan Porter (USA), Status: Retired, Actor: Leading (Nathan Porter as Retired Agent), Film Short
Nima Rahimpoor (Iran), PLAYTHING, Film Short
Nima Valibeigi (Iran), Zero Coordinates, Asian
Oliveira Tan (China), JUAN, Film Short
Paul Darrigo (USA), Summerville, Original Score (Composed by John Koutselin
Paul David Lisy (USA), The Reach, Documentary Feature, Contemporary Issues / Awareness Raising
Peter Parry (United Kingdom), Fete Accomplis, Film Short
Petri Puroaho (Finland), The Disassociate, Liberation / Social Justice / Protest, Contemporary Issues / Awareness Raising
Randy Michael Stoudt (USA), Woven the Documentary, Documentary Short
Reza Sobhani (Iran), The Rope, Film Short
Rick Walker (USA), Guardians, Actress: Supporting (Cherish Rodriguez as Emily), Christian, Direction, Film Feature
Roman S. Koenig (USA), Red Blooded, Actress: Leading (Denice Riddle as Lois Green), Direction (Roman S. Koenig), Film Short, Script / Writer (Roman S. Koenig), Editing (Roman S. Koenig), Cinematography (Garrett Glassell), Original Score (Rob Gironda)
Sahar Ghafurian (Iran), Daughters of Mamma Sea, Animation (Student)
Sajjad Abdollahi (Iran), The Archive, Liberation / Social Justice / Protest
Sean Breathnach (Ireland), Don’t Open The Box, Direction
Shane Connellan (Ireland), BULLY, Actor: Leading (Shane Connellan as Tommy)
Sierra Productions (USA), TRANSFORMATION, Ensemble Cast (Debra Smith (Aunt) and Children Actors), Makeup (Natasha Loudermilk)
Simantini Chakraborty (USA), Joyful, Documentary Short
Simon Nathan Feldman (USA), Revival, Documentary Feature
Stephen Folker (USA), Spiderweb, Jewish
Tane McClure (USA), Séance Games – METAXU, Direction, Editing, Ensemble Cast, Script / Writer
Vanessa M. H. Powers (USA), Sins of the Father, Film Feature
Yingna Wu, ArtCenter College of Design (USA), The Counseling, Film Short (Student), Creativity / Originality (Student)
Zane (France), Je, Direction, Cinematography
~ Award of Recognition ~
Aaron Phelps (USA), Slanted Perspectives: My Life with SMA, Disability Issues (Student)
Adeena Michelle Karasick (USA), Eicha: The Book of Lumenations, Experimental, Jewish, Women Filmmakers
Aidan Christopher Haughey (USA), The Bounty of Love, Film Short
Akinola Isaac Fowowe (Nigeria), Turning Point, Liberation / Social Justice / Protest
Annie Fleisch (USA), Home Coming, Film Short (Student), Contemporary Issues / Awareness Raising (Student)
Ashton K. Bracciodieta (USA), Stringout, Film Short
Bianca Sass (USA), Distance (The Further Mix), Music Video (Student)
Bob Spletzer (USA), SpaceWalk, Educational / Instructional / Training, Television – Program / Series
Caleb Jordan Voyles (USA), The Ballad of Rich and Champ, Film Short (Student), Movie Trailer (Student)
Charlotte Cuthbertson (USA), Gotaways, Reality Programming
Chop Mosley, Chelsea Scruggs and John Xavier Lambert (USA), Sci-Kids, Children / Family Programming
Craig Oty (USA), Psyche Obscura, Experimental
Cynthia Ellen Gall (USA), To the Rescue, Public Service Programming / PSA (Student), Viewer Impact: Content / Message Delivery (Student)
Darian Slattery (USA), INSPIRED, Disability Issues
David Anderson (USA), Blue Lucas, Experimental
Desmond Amir Bailey (USA), Night Clothes, Film Short (Student)
Devinaire Barnes (USA), Careying, Film Short (Student)
Emer OShea (Ireland), DRUID, Nature / Environment / Wildlife
Gil Rivera (USA), A Sudden Impact, Film Short
Greg Maksudyan (USA), Christmas Evil, Movie Trailer
Harry Waldman (USA), Enter the Room, Film Short
Heather Rose Lupex (USA), PAW, Experimental
Heidi Duckler (USA), The Tender Body Sings, Experimental
Hollin Haley (USA), Jackie & Marilyn, Film Short
Janelle Little (USA), all things must end., Experimental (Student)
Jeff Harder (USA), Carmilla Vive!, Film Feature
Jennifer Glee Foley (USA), Fellini Mastorna…a film of no return, Experimental
Jimmy Francis (Greece), Support Group Olympus, Actress: Supporting (Maria Karpathakis as Aphrodite)
Jingting Yang (China), Bad News, Women Filmmakers
Joe Tremain (United Kingdom), Stray Cat., Experimental, Direction
Jonathan Byrne Denechaud (USA), What It Takes, Young Filmmaker – 17 and younger
Jordan Canning, Dani Pagliarello and Aisha Evelyna (Canada), The Drop, Web Series, Ensemble Cast, Actress: Leading (Dani Pagliarello as Zara)
Jorge Joseph Harrington (USA), Birdhouse, Actress: Leading (Carnessa Lynn as Meena), Film Short (Jorge Joseph Harrington and Sam Patzer)
Joshua Christoph (USA), Love, Angelica, Cinematography (Student)
Joshua Lucas Nelson (USA), Deprogrammed, Actress: Leading (Noelle Cappuzzo as Nancy)
Jude Peter Damian (India), SARAS, Film Short
Kayla Holsey (USA), Play Please, Young Filmmaker – 17 and younger
Tanner Smith (USA), Reunion, LGBTQ+
Larry Guernsey (USA), Scary Story, Animation
Laurie Tieman (USA), Found, Women Filmmakers
Lee Steinbeck (USA), A Most Annoying Man, Actor: Leading (Tim Snoha as Emery Dodd), Editing
Li Zirui (China), An inescapable Chain, Actress: Leading (Student) (Li Zirui as Depressed Girl), Young Filmmaker – 17 and younger, Film Short (Student)
Mathias Magnason (USA), Leaving California: The Untold Story, Reality Programming
Michael McQuown (USA), The Night Slayer, Direction, Film Feature
Mike Baro (USA), Word of Mouth, Television – Pilot Program
Mogan Selvakannu (Malaysia), Don’t Rock the Boat, Documentary Feature
Nick Maltby (United Kingdom), Apache Rain, Film Short, Original Score
Nicole Vivien Watson and Tom White (United Kingdom), Shore, Sea, and Land – Lines, Disability Issues
Olive Juge (USA), Poppy Pop, Young Filmmaker – 17 and younger
Parviz Rajaei (Khazan) (Iran), The Imperceptible, Film Short
Paul Darrigo (USA), Summerville, Film Short
Pierre Moncel Tetrault (Canada), Travels In Schizophrenia, Documentary Feature
Porsha Brown (USA), BAB on 3!, Television – Pilot Program
Roman S. Koenig (USA), Red Blooded, Actor: Leading (Sean Dillingham as Don Green), Actor: Supporting (Cayden Dillingham as Benjamin Green)
Ronald L Sturgess and Jeanetta T Sturgess (USA), The Guardian: The Sandwich Generation, African American
Rose Collis (United Kingdom), One For The Books: The Maupin Marathon, Documentary Feature
Sabrina Dubner (USA), Liminality, Film Short (Student)
Sasha Shapiro (USA), The Crib, Film Short, Creativity / Originality, Humor / Humorist, Script / Writer
Sean Breathnach (Ireland), Don’t Open The Box, Actor: Leading (John Ryan Howard as Mike)
Shihyun Wang (USA), Cruising Alaska – Ketchinkan, Native Peoples
Tobias Elvhage and Liza Morberg (USA), Gender Transformation: The Untold Realities, Documentary Feature
Tom Sys and Erik Sopracasa (USA), Beyond The Curtain, Direction
Tristan M. Corrigan, Under_Score Productions (USA), TAP, Film Short, Editing
Vicky Vien, Fox Hughes and Braden Cloutier (USA), Ending It