The stars and creators of “Avatar: The Way of Water” decended on the blue carpet at the stunning L.A. premiere, surrounded by some of Hollywood’s most popular celebrities. It was an Avatar family reunion that brought Pandora to life.
Variety’s Angelique Jackson was on the carpet, speaking to the cast and crew about the upcoming film. In their conversations with the movie’s actors, producers and editors alike we get to hear about their experiences working on Way of Water and their hopes for the film. Sadly James Cameron himself was not in attendance due to testing postive for Covid. However Cameron did have this to say about his film, “‘If I Like My Movie, I Know Other People Are Gonna Like It.”
Here’s what the cast and crew of Avatar: Way of Water had to say about the film at the premiere.
Sam Worthington who plays the titular character Jake Sully calls the film “A labor of love rather than making a movie. That’s what it feels like.” When asked about director James Cameron, he went on to say “He’s always breaking new ground. It’s exciting to work with a guy like that.” We started work on it in, I think, 2015 was when I first saw things of it and 2017 was when we first started. It’s been a gradual continued process, like a big journey.”

Courtesy of Disney Enterprises
Zoe Saldaña, who plays Neytiri spoke about how thankful she is to work with the extremely talented director James Cameron and the film, she explained “I got to work with my idol at a very early stage of my career. If it wasn’t for Sarah Connor and Ellen Ripley, these iconic characters of the ’80s, where would I be?” Saldaña said. “There are so many themes that will resonate with people, starting with the power of family… Family is not just the one that you’re born into, but it’s also the one that you choose or chooses you.” Speaking of the story she says “He weaves all these themes that he’s incredibly considerate about into this special story.”
Joel David Moore, Dr. Norm Spellman says it’s not necessary to watch the first Avatar to understand Way of Water. “They are their own stories.”
Jack Champion who plays Spider, a human boy living among the Na’vi talks about his journey getting here “I never actually thought I’d be at this point here today.” When asked how he felt about anyone other than James Cameron directing Avatar he said “He’s truly the best director to ever exist.”

Courtesy of Disney Enterprises
Jamie Flatters tells us a bit about his character Neteyam, the eldest son of Jake and Neytiri, “He wants to be a warrior like his father.”
Producer Jon Landau talks about the long journey to the Avatar sequel “I’m really proud of my crew. Jim and I might get accolades, but we’re standing on their shoulders. To see them recognized for their years of hard work makes me really proud,” said Landau as he emotionally spoke of the road here. “What has stood out are the tears… That’s what Jim reacted to the most. Two weeks ago, I screened the movie for our principal cast. When I saw them tearing up, I had to tear up.”
When asked how he felt about returning for the film’s sequels, Stephen Lang aka Colonel Quaritch replied “There’s no question in my mind that I’ll be associated with it for the rest of my life.”

Courtesy of Disney Enterprises
“Avatar: The Way of Water” premieres in theaters this Friday the 16th of December.
Fangirl and Writer with a huge passion for entertainment.