Section: TV Spotlight
Director-Screenwriter: James Ward Byrkit
Logline: A collection of stories from the other side of consciousness. A modern mindbender for a new generation, Shatter Belt dives head first into the deep end of questions about our relationship to reality.
Panelists: James Ward Byrkit, Patton Oswalt
Premiered: March 14, 2023
Key quotes: Byrkit: “I’ve always loved the short form and I was inspired by how Rod Serling was pumping out these scripts every week and how classic they became and I realized you don’t have to be so precious and take two years to write the perfect screenplay.”
Oswalt: “Also to brush up against the cosmic and fantastical, with actually very little special effects… It’s very practical and subtle, and sometimes the subtle can feel so much more cataclysmic than the giant spectacle.”
The Deadline Studio at SXSW runs March 10-13, where the cast and creatives behind the best and buzziest titles in this year’s lineup sit down with Deadline’s festival team to discuss their movies and the paths they took to get to Austin, Texas.