Starbreeze first-person shooter Payday 3 isn’t even out yet, and the studio already has a year-long road map of content and revealed two new characters you can play as.
Currently, there’s not much information on what the upcoming DLCs will be about. But we do know that the year one road map is called “The Bad Apple” and will feature four DLCs. Syntax Error is set for this Winter, Boys in Blue will be released in the Spring of 2024, The Land of the Free is scheduled for the Summer of 2024, and Fear and Greed for the Fall of 2024. Although information is scarce, we do know that each DLC will feature the following:
- Seasonal events
- New Playable Characters
- New Enemies
- New Weapons
- Unreal Engine 5 upgrades
- Cosmetics
- Quality-of-life improvements
In addition to the year-long road map, Pearl and Joy have been announced as new playable characters. Pearl is an expert con artist and infiltrator with a plan for everything. On the other hand, Joy is a “genius hacker and security expert” and is also considered “a wildcard character who ends up being an ace during any heist.”
For more Payday 3 content, check out our interview with Starbreeze’s Almir Listo and how it’s having an open beta for PC and Xbox players.