- Apex Ava emerges as a new villain with the power to control the animal-human hybrids created by Garro’s spores.
- She takes control of Robin and turns him into a cat creature using one of Beast Boy’s spores.
- As the most dangerous threat in “Beast World,” Apex Ava poses a significant risk to Nightwing, the Titans, and the entire DC Universe.
Warning! Spoilers ahead for Nightwing #109!A new villain is preparing to take on Nightwing and she’s got a deadly twist on one iconic Titans’ power set. As “Beast World” rages on, the DC Universe is being torn apart by out-of-control animal-human hybrids. But a new threat is emerging and she’s got a particularly sinister superpower.
In Nightwing #109’s backup story “Beast World Prologue” by Tom Taylor and Sami Basri, Beast Boy’s spores continue to change people into terrifying animal creatures. Robin patrols Gotham and notes that the city should have far more hybrids around. His investigation leads him to Gotham Zoo, where he discovers dozens of locked-up hybrids.
The hybrids are suddenly freed and attack Damian. However, they all stop when a green-skinned woman named Apex Ava appears holding one of Beast Boy’s spores. She calmly informs Damian that he belongs to her now and slips him the spore. The spore does its magic and turns Damian into a cat creature under the villain’s thrall.
Apex Ava Has Debuted and Taken Control of Robin
Beast Boy did one of the most noble things in his life when he stepped up to stop the terrifying alien known as the Necrostar. He transformed into a Starro-like creature and repelled the invader, saving the day. However, Amanda Waller had other plans and had Garfield’s mind wiped. Now, the being that was once Beast Boy is simply Garro, a monster intent on destroying Earth. Like Starro, Garro is conquering the globe using spores, only these new ones are transforming people as powerful as Black Adam and Power Girl, turning them into dangerous animal-human hybrids.
Apex Ava’s powers aren’t spelled out in her debut, but she appears to have some level of mind control over those who have been infected by the Garro spores. The hybrids in the zoo obey her every word and all of their eyes glow green, implying Ava is in control of them. That control seemingly extends to the spores, as the one she infects Damian with doesn’t try to attack her. Given her powers and green-hued skin, it can be assumed she has some kind of connection to Beast Boy. But unlike Gar, Apex Ava doesn’t transform into animals, she turns them into her personal servants.
Nightwing’s New Villain is “Beast World’s” Most Dangerous Threat
Right now, the world has thousands of animal-human hybrids running around. Things are already bad enough with Beast Boy becoming Garro and Amanda Waller lurking in the shadows. The last thing the DCU needs is someone who can take control of the unwilling animal creatures and use them to do her bidding. While it’s not known where Apex Ava came from or what she wants, she clearly doesn’t have good intentions. She’s already claimed Robin as her newest soldier, so who’s to say she won’t capture another hero? If Nightwing and the Titans aren’t careful, they may find themselves members of Apex Ava’s menagerie.
Nightwing #109 is on sale now from DC Comics.