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Meet Feedly AI – Feedly Blog

Meet Feedly AI – Feedly Blog

Goodbye Information Overload

Filtering out the noise so you can focus on what really matters is a challenge we are deeply passionate about.

Today, we are delighted to announce Feedly AI.

How Does Feedly AI Work?

We have been teaching Feedly AI how to read and analyze information so that it can declutter your feeds. With Feedly AI, instead of spending hours going through hundreds of articles every day, you can free your mind, focus on what matters, and save time.

Unlike opaque algorithms, Feedly AI gives you total control over your feeds. Feedly AI has a set of skills that help it understand the world and enable you to define what is relevant to you.

Feedly AI allows you to prioritize topics, trends, and keywords of choice; deduplicate repetitive news; mute irrelevant information; summarize articles, and so much more. 

Feedly AI reads and analyzes articles

The Topic AI Model lets you prioritize specific keywords, mentions, topics, and trends.

The Like-Board skill lets you train Feedly AI by example. If you have curated over the time a board of specific topics or trends, you can ask Leo to read that board, understand what you are interested in, and prioritize future articles he thinks you’re likely to save to that board.

The Business Event AI Models let you track industry activities such as funding events, partnerships announcements, product launches, leadership change, etc.

Feedly AI is much more sophisticated than a simple news filtering tool. It’s a true AI that uses machine learning and NLP to filter out the noise.

Jon Henshaw (Lead SEO Analyst – CBS Interactive)

See Feedly AI in Action

Imagine that you follow a broad business feed connected to many sources with thousands of new articles per month.

You can ask Feedly AI to read all the articles and prioritize the most insightful ones in the new Priority Tab.

Feedly AI prioritizes the more relevant articles in the new Priority tab

With Feedly AI, you are in control of the priorities.

Let’s imagine you are interested in the autonomous car trend. With just a few clicks, you can train Feedly AI on this new priority:

Ask Feedly AI to prioritize articles about autonomous cars

Once trained, Feedly AI continuously reads all articles in your feed and prioritizes the ones mentioning autonomous cars.

Articles prioritized by Feedly AI have a green priority label, which gives you a clear understanding of why the article was prioritized. You can then take further actions such as Refine Priority, Pause or Remove that priority.

Each prioritized article has a label and an explanation

Feedly AI is smart! It continuously learns from your feedback:

  • When you save an article to a board, Feedly AI considers that action a positive signal that reinforces learning.
  • When Feedly AI is wrong, you can use the “Less Like This” down arrow button to correct Feedly AI and refine future recommendations.
Use the Less Like This down arrow button to correct Feedly AI

Feedly AI helps us to find the signals in the noise. With Feedly AI, we can automate our knowledge gathering and focus on growing our expertise.

Tino Klähne (Head of Strategic Design – Lufthansa Innovation Hub)

Train Your Feedly AI Now

We are excited to see many Feedly users declutter their feeds and dig deeper into the topics and trends that matter to them. Sign up today and discover what Feedly AI can do for you!

If you are interested in learning more about Feedly AI’s roadmap, you can join the Feedly Community Slack. 2020 will be a thrilling year with new skills and bold experiments!

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