John Wick has proven himself as one of the world’s deadliest assassins and in true movie character mode is capable of sustaining a number of serious injuries. In the previous three chapters, John Wick has survived car crashes, stabbings, and of course gunshot wounds.
While real-life accidents and injuries are no laughing matter, ahead of the launch of John Wick: Chapter Four on 23rd March, a leading personal injury specialist has taken a light-hearted look back and calculated that a claim for his workplace injuries could net him over $335K!
Fans of the John Wick franchise will already be familiar with the numerous injuries the lead, played by real-life hero Keanu Reeves, has suffered. From taking a few kicks and punches from henchmen through to stabbings, gunshot wounds and a fall from the roof of The Continental, John Wick’s body is put through the rigor across the three previous films – all while performing his work duties.
Despite the first movie showing us John trying to enjoy a quiet life after retirement, Express Solicitors counted his assailants causing him bodily harm a total of 162 times across the three chapters.
John Wick’s Injuries
John’s most common injuries are being knocked to the floor and thrown through glass, which each happen 14 times. This is followed by 12 shots into his bulletproof vest/suit and 6 stab wounds.
John’s compensation values range from $7,800 up to $180,000.
The largest single claim John could be entitled to compensation for would be the fall from the roof of the Continental for which he could receive up to $180,000. He could also be entitled to up to $70,000 for the many times he gets stabbed in the series.
Added together, John’s injuries could be worth up to over $335,000, or 173 gold coins, based on a rough value of the currency used by the assassins in the franchise.
John Wick’s Injuries with Compensation Values
Damian Bradley, Partner at Express Solicitors, commented: “Whilst John Wick is fictional, accidents at work are not. In the world of John Wick, you can get hit by a car, thrown through glass or fall down a flight of stairs and walk away, sadly we aren’t as lucky in the real world.
“Every day people are injured through no fault of their own, with many experiencing long term debilitating effects. From slips and falls, to manual handling accidents, back injuries, electric shocks and more, it only takes one small incident to negatively alter someone’s life forever. If something happens to you that is no fault of your own, you may be able to claim compensation for your injuries and subsequent losses and help you get access to the care you deserve.”
Best Assassins
With 162 attacks across the first three films, there are plenty of people causing Mr Wick’s injuries. But it’s Cassian (John Wick 2) who caused the most damage, with 21 attacks on target. Cassian chokes, punches, kicks and stabs John, throws him through a window and even hurls him downstairs three times in a row!
In the action packed series of movies, the lead character actually makes it through 9 scenes in total successfully blocking every single attack and sustaining no injuries.
This piece is for entertainment purposes only and we in no way encourage the actions taken by John Wick or those taken against him. We are also not affiliated with Thunder Road Pictures, Summit Entertainment or any parties or organizations responsible for the films.