James Corden had a little fun at the expense of Amazon Prime’s “Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” on Monday with a fun video revealing a whole bunch of awkward and weird characters he claimed were also in the show at one time. You can watch that clip above right now.
The inspiration was a video Entertainment Weekly put together in early August introducing people to the major characters from Amazon Prime’s “Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.” It was an extremely corny clip in which the characters, framed by black backgrounds, smile at the camera as the scene fades between them.
Inoffensive, and quickly forgotten, except, because social media is a toxic hell, someone later posted the clip to Twitter and claimed it was in fact the show’s opening title sequence. Despite the fact that the video clearly has the Entertainment Weekly watermark, the clip went viral as a whole bunch of credulous people shared it and dunked, incorrectly, on the show. Eventually, enough people pointed out the misrepresentation and Twitter finally put a disclaimer pointing out the truth.
Even so, the video is pretty unintentionally funny, and people kept making fun of it even after its origin was clarified. Which brings us to Monday’s “The Late Late Show,” and Corden’s clip.
The James Corden version of the clip begins much like the original, until it suddenly introduces new characters that get increasingly weird. We’ll list them below:
Your disappointed father
Stuart the Minion
Partysaurus Rex
Girl Fieri
Teen Gorilla
Jazz Bot 3000
No Signal Dracula
Clown who wants to be taken seriously
Shy Horse
Dr. Phil
Robert Mummy Jr.
Rave Ram
The Statue of Liberty
Simone Biles
Skalien (as in, Ska + alien)
Boring Cheryl
Fun Cheryl
Hamster that’s actually Frankenstein
Sheriff Bones
Cocaine Lizard
And introducing: Tony Ham Hands
Like we said, you can watch the Corden clip at the top of the page, and if you look below this sentence, you can watch the clip that inspired it.