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HomeEntertaintment“Jack Ryan” Season 4 Episode 6 ‘Proof Of Concept’ Series Finale Recap/Review

“Jack Ryan” Season 4 Episode 6 ‘Proof Of Concept’ Series Finale Recap/Review

“Jack Ryan” Season 4 Episode 6 ‘Proof Of Concept’ Series Finale Recap/Review

The series finale of Jack Ryan sees the convergence of all that has transpired throughout season 4, finally coming to a climax. Half of this episode focuses on the team trying to get Jack back, the rest sees them looking to disarm the 5 bombs that have made their way to the US border.

Seeing as though this was the final episode, and the final mission, the writers did not fail to deliver in terms of excitement, intensity and high drama as Jack and his team once again move to save the lives of countless people.

The previous episode saw Jack, Mike and Chavez break into the Wukong palace and with the help of Chao Fa who was killed by Tin Tun, they managed to destroy the remaining triggers. Kathy was abducted by Zeyara but saved by Mike, Jack and Chavez who get her and Chao’s family out of the country. Meanwhile back in DC Greer has found William Tuttle, who he sees is running a mission to capture Jack, and Wright learns that Osoji is running Tuttle and Miller.

Read the recap of Season 4 Episode 5 here


Once again in a perfectly edited opening scene, we see two completely different events transpiring at the same time. In one we see Wright’s confirmation hearing where she is officially named the new Director of the CIA. In the other we see Jack being dragged into Zeyara’s compound and strung up in shackles, the same scene we see at the start of the pilot episode, we then see Zeyara remove the black bag from Jack’s head and reveal herself.

In Thailand, Mike and Chavez are figuring out what to do next, when Mike realizes Jack has probably been taken to the same place he picked up Cathy. Later on at a nearby fishing village Chavez and Mike buy some weapons and a boat, Chavez gets ready to leave but tells Mike he has to stay behind because his shoulder was shot in the last episode, he tells him to go to the nearby air force base and get a plane to come get him and Jack.

Back at the CIA, Greer finally gets to question Tuttle, it turns out he’s ex military and ex CIA. After an intense conversation, Greer asks where Jack is, he doesn’t answer, when Greer asks where the bombs are he is able to determine from his reply that they are on the move. Greer then receives a call from Cathy who is still at the air force base, she informs him that Kyi and Bennu have no information with them, the information that Chao promised would help the CIA. When Cathy asks about Jack, Greer gives her the news about his abduction.

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Zeyara questions Jack while he is still restrained asking him what Chao Fah gave him, what he told him and who else knows. Jack refuses to answer her, so she has him electrocuted, she continues to question him, about the triggers and the bombs, according to Zeyara this was never just about the bombs, it was about “proof of concept”, revealing Americas vulnerability to the rest of the world, but Jack’s resolve is strong, he continues to refuse her. Which leads to him being electrocuted again.

When Osoji visits Wright’s office, he is confronted by Elizabeth and Greer about his ties to Tuttle and Miller. When he finds himself cornered, he offers them a deal, immunity in exchange for Jack’s location. Greer disagrees with this option knowing Jack would never want this, but Wright sees no other way.

When Cathy goes to examine Bennu, she notices her stuffed rabbit, Bennu says he cant talk, and her dad gave it to her so that he wouldnt tell anyone her secrets. That’s when Cathy discovers that Chao had hidden a flash drive inside the toy with all the intel he promised the CIA would need. She immediately phones Greer to update him.

Chavez has now arrived in Myanmar, where he gives up his boat and buys a car instead. Mike has arrived at the local air force base in Thailand with the help of a local fisherman and requests to borrow a plane, showing off one of his old business cards.

Jack has passed out from the brutal torture being inflicted on him, but Zeyara is not done yet. When Jack gets up she cruelly tells him she did warn him not to pass out, as now her men have changed tactics. One of them rips the back of Jack’s shirt, Zeyara then notices the scars on Jack’s back from his accident, which leads her to realize he has done this before. She questions Jack once again, but he remained dissuaded by her. This led to Zeyara’s men pouring burning hot water and salt onto Jack’s back.

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Jack’s suffering was soon about to end, as Chavez had made his way to the compound. He distracts her men at the entrance by setting his car on fire and properly down the side of the building. He then picks of her guards one by one. When Zeyara hears the sound of a grenade from above, she asks Jack who it is, he simply replies, “A friend.” When he reaches the entrance to the room where Jack is being kept, Zeyara realizes it is Chavez at the entrance, she threatens to kill Jack if he enters, but if he walks away she promises to walks away she will find the families of his fallen men and fill their bank accounts, but if he doesnt, she will simply find their families. Chavez lowers into the room from above and points a gun at Zeyara, asking her to tell him the name of his friends, he promises to let her go if she names on of his men, of course, she fails so Chavez shoots her. We then see Jack breathe a sigh of relief. Chavez then comes up behind Jack and puts his hand on his shoulder. Jack looks back at him and then simply looks down in utter relief and thanks. Chavez then helps a wounded Jack walk outside the compound.

You could tell Jack was losing hope, that small moment of pure friendship and gratitude was so heavy and emotional. Such a well done and really beautiful scene.

This group of actors has been nothing short of remarkable throughout the season. But one of the highlights of the season was the addition of Michael Peña who played Domingo Chavez. The amount of talent and intensity Peña brought to the role can be seen as he steals every single scene he is in.

Mike then calls to inform Greer that they have rescued Jack. He rushes to stop Osoji, but it is too late as he has already signed the immunity papers. Mike, Chavez and Jack return home where Cathy is waiting for Jack.

Patrick has been busy while they were away, digging up the entire operation. We finally know the significance of the Book of Mormon that was near Miller the day he died, it was used as a One Time Pad to send coded messages. Jack and his team also learn that President Udoh wasn’t killed to defend a regime, he was killed to defend a port. The shipments from Myanmar were transported to Mexico via Lagos.

Jack meets Tuttle face to face and questions him about the location of the bombs with Greer. Tuttle seems ignorant as to where they are. When Jack mentions that the shipment has been expedited, ajack noticed that he definitely did not know about that. He mentions that he gets all communication at the Biz Hub office. At the office they find a sealed envelope with car keys inside. Jack recalls the trucks they were unloading at the port in Mexico, that’s when they realise how the bombs are being moved. Jack finds the name of the company: Derek Hill Motors in Houston, Texas on the key chain, he calls them and learns that the tucks will be at the border in the morning.

At the border control room, Jack quickly assumes control looking for any suspicious vehicles with the help of Chavez and the border control agents. Wright joins in via conference call waiting to help. The team is looking for any trucks entering or any vehicle carriers. All vehicles are weighed pre-load at the border. The control room vets every truck to match its current weight to the number cleared beforehand. Jack and a border control agent notice one truck carrying a number of cars does not have a pre load weight, probably because it is a last minute

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shipment, when Jack questions how that is possible one agent states that has to be signed off on by people high up. Jack asks Wright to run a list of all last minute shipments to the border for him. In the meantime a police cruiser is surveiling the truck, Wright confirms the differential weight of the truck pre and post-loading is 643 pounds confirming this one is carrying the bomb. Jack immediately tells the police to clear out, the truck driver hears the radio and shoot one of the cops in the car and takes of in the truck. A police vehicle shoots the truck driver bringing it to a stop but they still have to deal with the bombs. Jack and his team approach the truck but end up in a firefight with the rest of Marquez’s men. Meanwhile Elizabeth comes across a shocking revelation. After taking out the remaining men, Jack and his team proceed to enter the vehicles and look for the bombs, listening carefully for any devices. After locating one of the bombs using the trigger, Jack proceeds to disarm it by cutting one of the wires. They then continue to do the same for the remaining four bombs.


Elizabeth confronts Osoji one more time, he once mentioned to her that missionaries saved his village, when she asks him about it again, he mentions it was Mormons. Which explains his link to Miller and their use of the Book of Mormon. She then tricks Osoji into confessing to Miller’s murder just as the police show up. He reminds her he has immunity, but as she points out, she has no jurisdiction over local homicide.

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Once again, Jack is asked to speak in front of the senate and brief them on his heroic mission as Senator Henshaw put it, but the outcome of the hearing is not at all what he expected. Senator Henshaw points out that the American people deserve details as to how they arrived at this point. Jack a delivers an incredible an powerful speech, but the most important part comes when he reveals what Wright discovered earlier in the episode. Holding up a signed document Jack reveals the truth about Senator Henshaw and how he was complicit in the attempted strike and how he had taken bribes from Osoji. Jack does not hold back in that moment and does not hesitate to go after Henshaw telling him that the people deserve better.

John Krasinski’s performance in the final season has been incredible but in this episode in particular, Krasinski has really outdone himself. The intensity and emotion in his speech, the pain and strength when Jack was being tortured. Those two scenes really stand out.

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In the final scene, we see Jack, Greer, Mike, Chavez and Wright standing outside the White House, Wright mentions that the President might ask Jack to run for office now. But of course, Jack’s response is not a chance in hell. Chavez on the other hand is eager to get back to work. Jack walks towards Cathy who is nearby, making it known that he wants to take a break. When Greer asks how long, Jack gives a vague response. Wright simply says, “I’ll see you around campus”, he then looks at all four of them and says “Hell of a team photo”. Jack then walks towards Cathy, puts his arm around her and the two walk away, to a new life together… until the world needs Jack Ryan again.

This was not the ending we had expected for Jack Ryan, but it was a great way to wrap up this series. The ending gave us closure, one last exciting mission, one last surprise and rather than simply just a happy ending, it brought new beginnings for all our favorite characters which leaves things upto interpretation for fans. This series has been a great bingeworthy addition to Television, taking real world issues and turning it into an entertaining and thrilling series is not an easy task, but it is one that the writers have accomplished over te past seasons. While some seasons are better than others, one thing remains certain throughout them all, and that is Krasinski.

John Krasinski has made a lasting impact on this character in his time as Jack Ryan, playing the character with great passion for the role and delivering an absolutely brilliant performance throughout the past four seasons of Jack Ryan. I for one am going to miss Jack Ryan very much, and I will certainly miss Krasinki’s portrayal of the character. Now it’s time to pass the mantle of Jack Ryan to someone else.

Jack Ryan is now streaming on Prime Video.

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Fangirl and Writer with a huge passion for entertainment.

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