In the penultimate episode of Jack Ryan season 4, we see the most thrilling episode of the season. A lot is going on in this episode, we see a stealth infiltration, an abduction, plenty of shootouts and a shocking death that we did not see coming.
In the previous episode we learnt that Zeyara Lemos was the real Architect behind Convergence. Greer is stabbed by Tuttle for coming too close to the truth. Mike, Jack and Chavez steal a trigger from Olafsky in Croatia and finally make contact with Chao Fah.
Read the recap of Jack Ryan Season 4 Episode 3 here
The episode begins with Zeyara and Chao Fah returning to Myanmar. We then see Zeyara on a call with Marquez where he mentions she has 5 packages bound for the US, she tells him to get the packages to the border asap, and threatens to blow them up with the triggers if he doesnt.

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Jack, Mike, and Chavez arrive in Myanmar ready to meet Chao. Mike heads to the Wukong palace and poses as a gambler. Chao has informed his security that there may be a potential break in and ups his security detail, he tells his men to get their artillery ready to go. He sees that Mike has arrived and approaches him and offers to provide him him and his winnings an escort. Chao has provided Mike with a location at which they can meet. Meanwhile Cathy has arrived in Myanmar as well, following Zeyara’s trap of an invitation to join her WHO organization.
Back in Washington, Patrick, the CIA Analyst informs a bedridden Greer that he has found Tuttle’s identity after running the blood on the knife through the military database, his name is William James Tuttle. Greer asks for all the information he has on him, and then he texts his son asking for his help in breaking him out of hospital.
Back at Chao’s house Tin Tun is poking around about the day Kyi Fah and Bennu tried to leave the country, he is questioning whether she was really sick, later on he visits the doctor that Chao visited earlier in the season and kills him and his nurse.
When Chao reaches the meeting spot he is pleased to see Chavez again and to meet Jack. When he sees the trigger he explains how they work, and that there were a lot more than they thought there was, and that Jack and his team are meant to destroy them. He explains how the triggers work and tells them the cadino vault holds the remaining triggers. Chao gives them keycards to override security in the casino. Every door and every system. Using the casino’s blueprints they plan their entrance, and their escape. Chao points out that the casino’s high end security system leaves little room for error.
While Mike and Chavez rifle through the artillery that Chao brought for them, inside while he is alone with Jack, Chao asks Jack to promise that no matter what happens, they won’t change their course, and reveals a secret to Jack that could put the mission at jeopardy. He tells Jack that Zeyara is the architect behind the entire operation and that Cathy is here with her in Myanmar being used as bait. Jack grow enraged as Chao continues to tell him he had known about this for hours, and that Zeyara wants him to go after Kathy rather than the triggers. This sends Jack over the edge as he grabs Chao and slams him against the wall demanding Kathy’s location until Mike and Chavez enter and break it up. A still furious jack wants to know if she’s still alive, Chao reassures him that as long as he’s alive she’ll be alive. Chao then reveals he knows where she might be kept.

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Zeyara and Cathy reach her hideout, Cathy assumes it will be part of their missionary work, but in that moment reveals her true intentions to Cathy as her men start to approach her, she insists she take out her phone and call Jack Ryan now. Jack and his team are preparing to head out, Chao hand a detonator to Chavez and simply says, “On my word”. Jack’s phone rings, he hesitates to answer, Chao reminds him that if he answers they’ll all be dead in minutes. When Cathy tells Zeyara Jack first answer, she has her men take her. She is taken to a massive compound that used to be a prison.
Greer gets a call from Wright to reprimand him for leaving the hospital, but after their conversation she asks her assistant to find all she can on Dominic Sanderson, the coma patient whose name was on Miller’s shell companies. Later on Wright visits an After School Academy in DC where she finds a trophy case with a tribute to Dominic in a trophy case, in which she finds a picture of Dominic next to Osoji, her liason and the political consultant.

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At the Wukong Casino, things are beginning to move into place. To lure the guards in the parking lot out, Chavez drives a car in and leaves it there, meanwhile Jack walks into the front entrance of the casino in order to be caught by the security cameras. Chao then informs Zeyara, pretending to be worried and informs all his men to go after Jack. Mike makes it to the circuit room where he sets up explosives to create a blackout to neutralize the security systems which give them a window of 30 seconds to ensure that Chavez makes it inside and that Jack makes it through the door behind the cash desk. Chao also ensures that none of his men will be able to use their security cards by initiating a security lockout. He then heads to the vault with two of his men. Jack and Chavez make their way their as well while Mike heads to the roof where he takes off in a helicopter. When Jack and Chavez make it to the vault, Chao kills the two guards inside, and they get two work. They set up charges around the remaining triggers and then Jack video calls Zeyara whilst pretending to hold Chao at gunpoint, he demands she set Cathy free, or they blow up the vault with everything she built in it.
Meanwhile Greer heads to the Biz Hub office and uses Tuttles real names, he realizes the receptionist is lying and insists he tell him everything. He then gets a call from Wright who tells him about Osoji, Greer and Wright figure out he’s the ones who was running Miller, and whoever killed him. Greer then gives her the address he got from Biz Hub, he’d about to get some backup.
As Zeyara’s men are escorting Cathy out, we see Mike approaching from above, they quickly get into vehicles and try to get away but Mike blocks their path and takes out two vehicles with the chopper’s guns. With Zeyara’s men distracted by her safety, Cathy takes the chance to escape, having to shoot one of Zeyara’s men along the way. She then makes a run for it until she safely gets to the chopper with Mike.
On their way out of the casino, Kyi calls Chao to warn him that Tun is suspicions and that he has men surrounding their house. The three of them leave immediately, unknowing to Jack and Chavez, to Chao’s compound. While in the car Jack receives a call from Mike informing him that Cathy is with him, which allows him to breathe a sigh of relief, the two are headed to the airfield, which is where the three of them were supposed to head as well, Chao Fah informs Jack and Chavez that they’re going to get his family, and that the data they need of how his entire operation was run is with them and if he wants to save his country, he needs to save his family.

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When they arrive at the compound, they find it to be empty, when Chao heads outside, he sees his daughter and his wife emerge from the bushes, as he hurries to get them inside, Chao is dot by a sniper, who turns out to be Tin Tun. As he lay wounded in his house, Chao says goodbye to his family, when they leave with Jack who promises to get them to safety, he apologizes to Chavez, but Chavez tells him he made everything right, and hands him the detonator. Once Jack, Chavez and Chao’s family have left a few of Tun’s men storm enter the gates. Tun enters the house expecting to shoot a wounded Chao, but Chao ends up blowing up the house with them in it as well as the rest of the triggers.
When Zeyara sees what has happened to the triggers, she calls Osoji and tells him to call his man, aka Tuttle immediately. Now it’s clear who has been pulling the strings.

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At the airfield, Jack and Cathy reunite in a sweet embrace, Kyi and Bennu hurry on the plane, before they can leave, they realize an army of men coming towards them. Jack tells Cathy he loves her and insists she get on the plane without him. Jack, Chavez and Mike then continue to hold off Zeyara’s men for as long as they can so that the plane could take off safely, until more start coming. Once the plane takes off Jack and Chavez jump into the Chopper piloted by Mike and take off.
Greer who is now outside Tuttle’s house gets a phone call from Jack telling him they’re in Thailand and that they’re chopper ran out of fuel. He tells Greer that Kyi and Cathy are headed to him and that she has all the Intel they need. He also warns Greer about the five bombs and how they are still out there even though the triggers were destroyed.
In the last few intense moments of the episode, we see a perfectly synchronized, and well edited set of action sequences taking place on Teo different continents with vastly different context. One one side we see Jack and his team ambushed. And on the other Greer and a SWAT team prepare to enter Tuttle’s house.
As Jack and Mike prepare to move out, Mike is shot in the arm by a sniper, luckily it’s not a fatal wound, Chavez notices men on the ridge, he starts to shoot as they fire back Jack heads to him grabs a rifle and starts firing, Mike notices a boat approaching that looks like a black ops team, he realises they are part of the Zodiac team.
Greer has entered Tuttle’s house, they locate him in a room surrounded by computer screens, one on which Greer sees body cam footage of Jack Ryan himself. As Jack is moving along the rocks, he is captured and black bagged, and all of this is witnessed by Greer.
Compared to the rest of Jack Ryan season 4 which was more of an espionage thriller, this episode was action packed from start to finish. This particular episode has you on edge with all that is going on. Not to mention everything that is yet to come, episode 5 does a great job of setting up the series finale, both with it’s cliffhanger of an ending as well as the revelation that the weapons that convergence was all about are now out in the world. For once we’ll have a series finale where Jack Ryan needs saving, and not just the world.
Jack Ryan is now streaming on Prime Video.
Fangirl and Writer with a huge passion for entertainment.