In what was the most exciting and action packed episode of Jack Ryan season four, so far, Jack, Chavez and Mike pursue the leader of the Marketplace in Croatia in a disturbing case. Chao makes a mandatory trip to Geneva to talk to his boss, and Greer works to connect the two front companies.
In the previous episode, the mission to take down the convergence began, a lot was uncovered with the help of Chavez, who at one point extracted the location of The Marketplace from Marin, as well as the name of the man running it, Josip Olafsky. The Marketplace was their only way to get to Chao Fah. Greer was given a warning by Tuttle to stop investigating, as he was getting to close to the truth.
Read the recap of Season 4 Episode 3 here
In Episode 4, the mission kicks into high gear. Jack, Chavez and Mike have arrived in Croatia, they head to a brothel which apparently Mike was a usual at after being fired from the CIA. His contact Katarina, does business with Olafsky, she tells Jack that every sinner in the world knows where the Marketplace is, but getting in is difficult, you need an invitation from Olafsky himself, with that, she let’s them out, but Mike stays behind to try to persuade her. She reveals to Mike that a mutual friend of Jack and Mike has an invite and has been hiding out at the harbor.
Despite Tuttle’s warning, Greer continues his investigation with help from Patrick, he informs him that he found a company that worked at BizHub that seems shady that goes by the name Southwest Petro, Patrick reminds him Greer always says the CIA has no imagination when it comes to shell companies. Greer then notices that the company shut down the day after Miller left. The company is registered under the name Dominick Sanderson, who lives in Bethesda. Later on after visiting Dominik’s house, and speaking to his mother, who got very upset when Greer mentioned he had come to check in on him, he steals a piece of mail, which leads him to a hospital, to Greer’s surprise, Dominik is comatose in the ICU. When Greer heads back to his car we see that Tuttle has been following him the entire time.
Senator Henshaw and Senator Jennings meets with Wright for a brief on her trip to Lagos, she informs them that they have a temporary peace between President Okoli and Ekon Ameh. However he reprimands her for abandoning her official position at work at missing the Senate hearings. Wright admits that to her, national security takes precedence. Henshaw points out that Wrighr is simply another Jack Ryan, she takes that as a compliment. He warns Wright to stay out of whatever Jack is doing and to focus on her job.
Meanwhile in Myanmar, Tin Tung informs Chao that their boss wants him in Geneva. Although he was supposed to head to Dubrovnik to the Marketplace, but now Tung is going in his place.
Back in Croatia, the “mutual friend” Katarina mentioned ends up being Levan Zubkov, the arms dealer from season 3. Chavez pretends to be drunk and climbs aboard Zubkov’s boat, while Jack and Mike sneak onboard from the back taking out his guards. The first and only thing Zubkov has to has to them is no. He tells them Olafsky is insane. Once again Chavez has to resort to extremes to get him to comply,

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so he holds a knife to an artery in his leg and tells him he’ll be dead in one minute. All it took was one prick for Zubkov to confess that he delivers sex to Olafsky’s marketplace, not just party favours.
Katarina agrees to help get the men into The Marketplace if the CIA helps her and her girls dissappear. First, Jack asks to know everything she knows, she obliges. She promises to get them out.
While Jack and Chavez surveil Olafsky’s compound, Chao has made it to his destination in Geneva. As he waits to meet his boss, we are kept in suspense wondering who it could be. Simultaneously we see Tun arrive in Dubrovnik. When Chao finally comes face to face with his boss, we see it is none other than Zeyara, who as you may remember from the previous episodes has now befriended Cathy and got her to join her organization. She tells Chao that Tun is in Dubrovnik because he is a master of “simplicity in violence” but Chao is meant for something more and that when he goes back to Myanmar, the entire Triad operation will be his.
Jack and Chavez Discuss whether Chao’s Intel is good enough to prove they were right, Chavez points out that Chao is risking his life to save his family, that’s how you know the Intel is good. On his way back home, Greer calls Patrick to tell him what he found, and tells him to update Wright, but as he’s talking to Patrick, Tuttle rams his car from behind causing him to crash on a bridge, Tuttle then proceeds to stab Greer, luckily he manages to fight his off and get away, just before Tuttle is about to shoot him, Greer jumps from the bridge into the river and narrowly escapes.
At Olafsky’s Marketplace, Mike arrives with Zubkov as guests, the two make their way through the front, the place is just as Wright and Jack thought it would be. Full of drugs, weapons, people selling sex, humans and more. A sespool of all the worst and richest people in the world. Meanwhile Katarina was arriving at the dock at the back with her girls, hidden amongst the girls were Jack and Chavez. After taking out the guards at the dock he gives the boat to Katarina and tells her to take the girls anywhere she wants. Jack and Chavez then proceed into the Marketplace.

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We now see Greer lying in a hospital bed recovering from his stabbing and jumping

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into the river, luckily Greer managed to grab the knife which he says is a military knife, Patrick is with him talking about the forensics, he asks him to run military blood samples when Wright walks in. She comes to check on him and Greer tells her about Tuttle’s threat, he now beleives it’s all connected and that Myanmar is the source but is run through Washington. He updates her on his investigation and how it all leads back to Miller. Greer tells Wright that she has to help Jack but her hands are tied.
Aboard Zubkov’s yacht, Marin’s phone receives a notification saying the amount 11.62 was deposited into his account. With 3 more deposits following suite. The team is confused as to why Chao is depositing this money, but Jack takes a look at it and realizes it’s not just money, the four different transactions amount to 12 digits, they make up coordinates. A very unique and never before seen move. One that made for a very interesting episode end.
This episode gave us a classic spy adventure to enjoy along with the signature espionage, political intrigue and high drama that we have come to love about “Jack Ryan”. This episode delivers on all fronts, writing, cinematography, acting and increble performances.
Michael Kelly was definitely one of the episodes standout performers. John Krasinski and Michael Peña make an absolutely amazing duo onscreen. Separate and together, their acting is incredible but this season these two have really shone as a pair.
“Jack Ryan” is now streaming on Prime Video.
Fangirl and Writer with a huge passion for entertainment.