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HomeEntertaintment“Jack Ryan” Season 4 Episode 3 ‘Sacrifices’ – Recap/Review

“Jack Ryan” Season 4 Episode 3 ‘Sacrifices’ – Recap/Review

“Jack Ryan” Season 4 Episode 3 ‘Sacrifices’ – Recap/Review

In the 3rd episode of Jack Ryan Season 4, things really start to get tense. After Miller’s death, Jack and his team head to Mexico in search of answers. Meanwhile, Wright tries to calm things down in Nigeria in the hope of finding a solution on her own.


In the previous episode, we saw Jack and Chavez begin to work together to get to Chao Fah who is a mole in the Silver Lotus Triad to take down what they had now learned was the fusion of a drug cartel and a terrorist organization, but when Jack approaches former CIA director Miller about this rogue operation, he is killed.

Read the recap of Season 4 Episode 2 here



Episode 4 begins with Wright and Osoji on a plane to Nigeria, on her way there she watches the news which depicts political unrest and violence in the country since President Udoh’s assassination, a warlord Ekon Ameh who is also expected to make a play for the presidency overthrowing interim president Okoli is also mentioned. Wright then discusses the situation with Osoji, until we see her receive a call informing her that Miller is dead.


Chao Fah receives a text simply saying ‘Miller is Dead’. This either means he was the one who hired the hit or Tuttle is just now informing him. Back in Washington, the cops of course beleive it was a suicide and so does the press. Jack’s teammate Mike November makes his entrance, to Greer’s surprise. Now with the team complete, they can get to work. First thing on the agenda, find Chavez. Jack seems to think he’s going to find Chao Fah, and he knows exactly where he is, so he sends Mike to go get him.

Meanwhile, Chavez retrieves money and a gun from his uncle’s house. Later on we see him and his auncle sit down for a meal. He tells him he has to leave, and it’ll be better if his auncle left too, as his cousin Marin and Marquez will be coming for him with the entire cartel. Chavez goes on to say that he made a mistake but he needs to make it right. Cue Jack Ryan.


Soe Wai who is Chao’s brother in law tells him he has been requested by Tin Tun himself to “inspect” a new shipment, when they reach the docks Tung tells him the powers that be request that he oversee it. Clearly he is being tested as the shipment turns out to be a group of girls who have been trafficked to Myanmar. When a member of the Triad tries to spray them with a hose, Chao says not here, although Tin Tun suspiciously asks why, he firmly tells him that they may catch a chill and die, and the money is all that matters.


Back in Washington, Jack meets with President Bachler to brief him on everything that has unfolded. Jack tells him he’s resigning from his position as Deputy Director so he can work on stopping Convergence and because the senate comitee has their sights set on him. However he already has a much more qualified candidate in mind, and that is Greer. Greer who is at his son’s football game gets a call from the president, when his son turns to see him leaving, we can see the disappointed look on his face.

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Wright meets with President Okoli, she is shocked when she sees the warlord Ekon Ame walk in. Ame swears he did not kill president Udoh, which is something we of course already knew, and Wright promises they did not either. They then reveal the true reason why she was invited there. These two so called “sworn enemies” ask Wright to help them find out who killed president Udoh.


As Chavez is leaving his auncles place, He runs into, or more likely almost shoots Mike. He admits it was Jack’s idea to track him down using the church tattoo on his arm. Chao and his wife talk in secret as he is being watched. He tells her it’s too risky to make any moves right now, and especially since Tin Tun suspects him. Once their position is secure they can leave.


Elizabeth calls her new Deputy Director, Greer and asks him to trace the burner phone which was found on one of the assassins during President Udohs Assassination, Greer and Patrick trace the phone leads to BizHub. The place that Tuttle used to run the operation in Episode 1. Jack congratulates Greer on his new position, and if you play close attention, you’ll notice, he gives Greer the same baseball we see him playing with in the pilot episode of Jack Ryan. Mike then calls and informs Jack of Chavez’s location, and Jack heads off to Mexico.


Greer goes to check out the BizHub office, he finds out that the number leads to the office’s reception, he then asks for a list of the current businesses. Greer is closer than he thinks, because at the same time we see Tuttle watching him and speaking to someone on the phone saying “Greer’s getting close, what do you want me to do?”.


We then see Jack who has arrived in Mexico at Chavez’s Auncles house, the three of them have sat down to dinner. Chavez’s auncle greets him as the man who is going to keep his nephew safe. Chavez tells Jack they’ll talk tomorrow, as he wants to enjoy this night, because he may not get another chance.


The next day Jack and Chavez discuss how Ryan has been ordered to stop any threat of Convergence, Chavez mentions that he has no way of contacting Chao directly, so they’ll have to send him a signal. Chavez plans to follow his operation up the ladder and burn it all to the ground. We then hear the first mention of “The Marketplace” which Chavez learned about from his cousin, as their only lead, the two decide to follow it.


In the previous episode Cathy had befriended, Zeyara Lemos and Cathy we now see them meet for lunch. Zeyara expresses her intentions to extend help to those suffering in the Pleasure Casinos in Myanmar. She refers to money launderers, drug dealers and human trafficking. One can’t help but wonder whether she knows more about what’s going on than she’s letting on. She then asks Cathy for her help and to join the WHO foundation. Cathy agrees without hesitation.



Soe confronts Chao and admits that he knows the truth about him. He says he knows that his wife Fyi and daughter Bannu left the compound when they were in Mexico, and he knows he intends to leave the Triad. He warns Chao that the only way out is if he dissappears and leaves Fyi and Bannu behind with him. Chao tells him to leave as well, but he says no. This leads to Chao shooting Soe in the head. He then brings him back to the compound, presents him to Tin Tun and tells him Soe was the mole.


Chavez visits Officer Morales in Yucatan Mexico, he gives him the money he was owed, and asks him to lure Marin out by raiding the docks that Marquez owns and to agree to take him, Jack and Mike with him. Once the police raid the port, Morales calls Marin down there, which of course is

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a trap as Chavez, Jack and Mike lie in wait.

When Marin arrives, Morales lures him into a secluded area, Chavez emerges from behind the door, Marin doesn’t hesitate in calling him a traitor. Jack asks him where the marketplace is. When he doesn’t answer he says that they now have photos of him talking to the CIA as he points to Mike taking pictures with a phone. When that doesn’t work, Chavez takes a bit of a more aggressive approach, by wrapping his head in plastic wrapuntil he couldn’t breathe. His method does end up yielding results as Marin let’s out the location of the marketplace, Dubrovnik, Croatia, and the name of the person who runs it. Josip Olafsky. It turns out, Mike knows someone who worked with him.



Jack finally calls Wright to update her on the situation and where they’re headed. Jack tells her they were right about Convergence, the path leads through the Croatian operation into the Mexico port. He informs her that they are headed to find the private marketplace and cut it off. In a roundabout way Wright tells Jack that she wont be able to protect him as they are under a high-level scrutiny right now.


We see Greer call his son to apologize for missing his game, but his son is too upset to care. Greer hears a knocking at his door. It’s Tuttle, he mentions Greer’s son which pisses him off, but when he steps outside Tuttle pulls a gun on him. He simply tells him to stop, as a threat to stop digging and if he doesn’t, either he or his family will pay the price.

Considering the season 4 episodes are being released in pairs, consider this part 1 of a 2 part mission. Episode 3: Gather Intel, Episode 4: Stealth Infiltration and Recovery. This classic thrilling storytelling style that we have gotten used to from the Jack Ryan writers is what keeps us on edge and what keeps us going back for more. This episode really gets the ball rolling. Jack’s got his intel, he’s got his team, you have no idea what comes next.

“Jack Ryan” is now streaming on Prime Video.


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Fangirl and Writer with a huge passion for entertainment.

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