In episode 2, Jack digs deeper into Miller’s dirty operations and we learn more about Chavez. Back in Myanmar, Chao must navigate the tension in the compound to keep his family safe.
While the previous seasons have seen Jack globetrotting to fight his enemy, this season is much more dangerous for our Analysts turned Deputy Director as he doesn’t even know what the enemy looks like, they could be everywhere. Jack means business this season as he seeks out the person responsible for project Pluto with the help of an unlikely ally, only to discover things were far worse than he had realized.
Read the recap of Season 4 Episode 1 here.
When we last left Jack, Chavez had a gun pointed to his head, he instructed him to turn Project Pluto back on after Jack found 9 of Miller’s old unsactioned operations and turned them all off in order to weed out the people behind the president of Nigeria’s death, and clearly it worked.
Episode 2 begins with Jack somewhat nervously walking down the hall at the CIA, he then enlists the help of an IT specialist to investigate Project Pluto. Once they access the CIA’s classified files, he sees that there is one agent still active who ties to every mission, Chavez. He then asks for every bit of information they have on him.
Meanwhile in Myanmar, Chao and his son finally make it home, he visits Tin Tun, and updates him about what just happened. It’s clear from their conversation that Miller was their middle man. Tun wants Chao to contact the Mexicans, but he says he wants to be qith his family first. The two go on to have an intense conversation about Chao’s place in all this and how he got there, because as it is soon revealed, Tun’s family sold off the operation to Chao’s family. That is why he does not respect the former head of the Triad or heed his advice.
Another amazing talent from this season is Louis Ozawa as Chao Fah. The refined and intense head of operations of the Silver Lotus Triad, who has to wear not one but two faces. As we soon learn there’s a lot more to him than meets the eye.
Chao is reunited with his wife and young daughter Bannu, he tells her that she mistook going to the airport, that it was just a dream, and if anyone asks where they went, she should say they went to the doctor. Later on we see Chao head to the Doctor in the area himself, in order to get him to corroborate his story. It’s clear that he’s a very respected and feared man. He tells, or more accurately threatens the doctor to make sure there is evidence of Bannu visiting him and if anyone should come asking, he should say so.
Jack meets with Chavez, now armed with new intelligence on him. He tells him the money from operation Pluto is gone. From Chavez’s profile Jack can tell he’s not the kind of person who would pull a gun on him, but he is one of the deadliest operators in the CIA. Jack asks him about Miller, but Chavez admits he’s never had any interactions with him directly, his team was run by someone name Walters, aka Agent Tuttle from the start of episode 1. Jack then asks him for his help in uncovering how deep Miller’s corruption goes.

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We then see the two at a restaurant in D.C, Chavez opens up to Jack about everything he knows. He first tells him about Chao Fa Sein, then goes on to tell Jack that he embedded himself into the Marquez Cartel through his cousin, which makes it clear that he was working undercover this whole time. He explains how he was told to carry out Marquez’s wishes, which were actually Chao’s all along. His entire operation was controlled by the Triad, and Miller was in their pockets. In a brutally emotional moment, Jack asks Chavez what he thought he was doing in all his past operations, he simply replies, “I thought I was helping”. The two now hatch a plan to get to Miller.
We then see Greer approach Miller at a bar, after a brief conversation, Greer brings up Pluto, which causes Miller to leave. . But as soon as he hears the name, Miller leaves. We then see another familiar face, Mike November played by Michael Kelly. As always, Jack calls his friend in need of help, what exactly, we don’t know yet. Miller has now called Tuttle to warn him that Jack and Greer are looking into Pluto.

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When Miller gets home, he calls Chao who is enraged at him, he mentions that the Triad thinks what happened at the docks was his fault since he is supposed to handle the money. This is when Miller first mentions Jack Ryan to Chao, alerting him that he is the one that pulled the plug. He also tells him Chavez has gone dark, and he has no idea if he is even still alive, as he mentions this we see Chavez emerge from the dark simply saying “I am”. We learn a lot about Chavez in this scene, as he pulls out 7 Military dog tags and slams them on the table in front of Miller, and confronts him for killing his men, his brothers in his operations. He then continues to threaten Miller telling him to contact Jack and tell him everything. As soon as he leaves he sends a text to Tuttle saying “Jack Ryan. Official.”
After having avoided her, Jack finally tells Elizabeth about what is going on, she immediately says they need to tell President Bachler. Jack then goes on to update the The President on everything that has happened since Chavez put a gun to Jack’s head. That Chavez is CIA Black Ops, and that Operation Pluto involved Miller directly. Jack goes on to explain how the former director is an asset for Myanmar’s Silver Lotus Triad and that he was manipulating Chavez and his black ops team to eliminate the Triad’s competition and to consolidate power for Marquez in order to use the Cartel’s infrastructure. What they have planned is far worse than Jack and Elizabeth had first imagined. As Elizabeth says it’s called Convergence. “The fusing of a drug cartel with a terrorist organization. Unlimited resources paired with undying hatred.” says Jack. Their goal is to create an open market with their resources where they can move anything, humans, weapons, suicide bombers and more. Jack tells the president he wants to try and turn Miller into an asset for them, but if what happened in Mexico is traced back to him, Operation Pluto would be blamed on Jack. He promises to take the fall if anyone tries to blame director Wright.
When Jack has left, Elizabeth assures Bachler that they can trust Jack to handle the situation. He then tells her to go to Lagos and personally meet with President Okoli as a prominent warlord is accusing the US of killing President Udoh. She invites Osoji whom she met in episode 1, to come with her as her advisor.
Miller sets a meeting with Jack in the park at night. Later on we see Elizabeth making a moving speech about the CIA’s mission and dedication to the American People at her confirmation ceremony as Director of the CIA. Elizabeth’s speech is edited to voice over certain parts of the next few scenes, which makes for a really well intense and a haunting ambience.
When Jack and Miller meet, Miller asks Jack the same thing that Chavez did, to turn Pluto back on, when Jack says no, he asks who Walters is. Millers tells Jack in a roundabout way, he has no idea what he’s done or who he’s dealing with. Miller reprimands Ryan for turning off the project without asking him, when Jack asks him how high this goes, Miller scoffs and says he has the highest level of protection. Cut to Greer who is in a car recording their conversation. Just like Chavez, Miller believes he was doing the right thing. Ryan asks him to put him in contact with the person in charge, but Miller knows they’d both be dead if he made that call. Just like Jack knows he’ll never turn on the projects again. When Jack makes the point that they’re probably being watched then and there, Miller takes off running.
Miller races home, little does he know he’s being followed. Tuttle ties his hands behind his back and makes him swallow a handful of pills and then pours some whiskey down his throat making it look like an overdose. Chavez reaches the house too late but just in time to see Miller grab the Bible on his desk and then fall to the floor. Which may include a clue inside. When Jack and Greer show up, Chavez says the others are gonna come for him, thinking this was his doing.
The first two episodes of Jack Ryan Season 4 do a great job of setting up this plot. Season 4 will only have 6 episodes unlike the usual 8, and the writers have made sure to pack each episode with as much thrilling storytelling as they can. The Convergence plot is a big one, so taking the time set it up during the last 2 episodes was a smart choice as there is a lot that was covered, and now that the intro is out of the way, it’s time to get into the action.
Only 2 episodes in and already Jack Ryan is bringing the intensity, the suspense, the emotions and the thrills.
“Jack Ryan” is now streaming on Prime Video.
Fangirl and Writer with a huge passion for entertainment.