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HomeEntertaintmentJack Ryan Season 3 Episode 5 – Raids and Trades

Jack Ryan Season 3 Episode 5 – Raids and Trades

Jack Ryan Season 3 Episode 5 – Raids and Trades

We see a lot revealed in Jack Ryan Season 3 episode 4, Jack and Mike are interrogating Levan Zubkov, they soon find out the Uranium which he is dealing is being shipped to Matoksa. Meanwhile Greer has been investigating the president’s father Petr who we find out was a soldier at Matoksa and is working with Radek and Petrov on the Sokol union project. The episode ends with Radek driving away with the president after learning the CIA is on to him.

Read the recap of Season 3 Episode 4 here.

The summary for episode 5 reads, “Jack and Mike head to a mysterious, abandoned outpost in Russia to seize the Sokol nuclear device, but an unexpected visitor foils their plans. Meanwhile, Petr seeks to rescue Alena, who has been kidnapped by her own head of security.”


Jack’s Sokol investigation has taken him from Athens, Greece, Vienna, Austria, Budapest, Hungary and now back to where this story originated 50 years ago, Matoksa. Episode 5 starts with Levan bring taken into custody by Elizabeth. As you may remember in the last episode, she convinced Jack to give up his location. She asks Jack if he has a plan for Matoksa, the nuclear fallout site where the uranium is being shipped, and of course, he does. She promises backup when he makes his move. Some thing to note from this conversation is Jack asks her “The agency, or just you? To which she replies “good luck.” We then see Elizabeth answer a phone call from a frustrated Angent Miller, but when he asks where Jack is, she covers for him and simply says she’s waiting to hear back. From this we can officially say, Elizabeth is now team Ryan. That’s some significant character development since the first episode.

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In Prague, we see what has happened to President Alena Kovac. Radek drives nervously with her in the back seat, she soon realizes he is making up this plan as he goes. Meanwhile what Radek feared for his family was correct, as we see Petr enter his home with a gun and a silencer, luckily Radek’s wife and kid have already left, but Petr threatens to find his family, which is when Radek says “My family for yours,” as he has Kovac ziptied in the back seat of the car. He then tells Petr to meet him at the president’s mansion in the country for a trade.


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In the meantime, Jack’s plan is in motion. Jack, Mike, and tactical team of 2 have made it into Matoksa, and are communicating with Wright. Since the site is supposedly covered by nuclear fallout, the team senses a radiation signal, the signal continues to get stronger with every few steps, Jack finds it odd that the meter would jump so high so fast, suspecting it was a cover to keep people away, so of course Jack being Jack tests his theory in a very risky move by continuing to move forward through the area that was giving off high signals of radiation.

As he did, one of the members of the team asked him “Are you really willing to bet your life on this?”, Jack turned around, but kept going, and he was right, it was a false reading, and in that moment Mike proudly says “Yeah, he does that”, a perfect description of Jack Ryan. This bold movie is similar to when Jack pulled thr pin of a grenade in the pilot episode of the series, threatening to kill himself and the two terrorists in the room, betting on whether or not they’d make a move.

Back in the Czech Republic, Greer and his team have tracked down Radecks family, and have now found where Radeck and the president are going, and that Petr is headed there as well. In a very direct move, we see Greer call Petr and confront him with what he knows to be true. He is even so direct as to question whether or not Petr would actually kill his own daughter to protect his beloved cause.

Jack and his team finally reach their target, but surprise, surprise, Luka is there too, and he warns the Russians they are coming. Wait a second. What’s going on. Whose side is Luka on?

While this is going on, Radek has reached the president’s country home, he kills the guard and shoves the president into a shed that is located above a lake, but that doesn’t hold her for long because while Radek continues to set a trap for Petr, rigging the property with an explosive device and a trip wire, President Kovac tries to find a way to escape, she find a nail to cut her her ties free and then loosens a few nails on the floor which leads to the lake below and then slips through it. Meanwhile Radek has set himself up on the roof with a sniper rifle waiting for Petr.

Jack and his team make their approach into the building taking out man by man, when Jack finally makes it into the

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control room, he comes face to face with Luka, as he starts talking Jack pulls his gun on him. He seems to have lost a sense of trust in him. In that tense moment Luka tells Jack he has been working from the inside, but Jack does not seem happy when he finds out he knew about this plan all along. Things get really intense when Luka asks Jack to let them go, saying there is no way of stopping this and following the device which was made of the uranium from Levan is the only way he can find out who is behind all this chaos. “Sokol did not come back from the dead, it never died, says Luka asking for Jack’s trust, Jack lowers his weapon.

When Petr finally makes it to the house, after scouting out the place, he sets off Radek’s trip wire, the explosion distracts him, and Kovak makes it upto the house. When Radek enters, just as he is about to confront her with the truth, Petr stabs him from behind. In that moment she comes to realize the truth behind Radek’s words and what kind of person her father really was. He admits it all, working with Radek, ordering the Minister of Defense’s assassination, being behind Sokol. He even admits to playing dirty plitics in order to have her elected as president.

When Jack and his team are exciting the building they get into a gunfight with the Russians, which allows Luka to escape with the device. Jack’s team then exits via helicopter taking out as many hostiles as possible on the way.

When Greer arrives at the Boathouse, Petr is gone and Alena is still in shock. Greer wonders whether or not she know where her father is, but by her state of bewilderment, she looks just as in the dark as everyone else. Where has he disappeared to? That’s a question for another episode, but we know what he plans to do next. “Nobody knows anyone anymore, not really,” she says to Greer. Which can apply to Luka and Jack as well.

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At the end of the episode, Jack and Mike make it to Finland. Jack tries to call Elizabeth with some news, but it looks like she’s got problems of her own to deal with. She has been recalled by the FBI. However on the bright side, thanks to the data they recovered in Matoksa, Jack finally figures out what the Sokol project’s endgame is. They’re building a missle to mirror an American nuke, so that when it goes off, it will appear as thought it was the Americans who launched it.


In What was probably the most thrilling episode of the season so far, we got to see a raid on Matoksa and a hostage situation unfold at the same time. The suspense of one storyline along with the action of the other made this one of the best episodes yet. Once again John Krasinski delivers a stellar performance both emotionally and physically.

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Fangirl and Writer with a huge passion for entertainment.

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