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HomeEntertaintmentJack Ryan Season 3 Episode 3 Recap – A Source Uncovered

Jack Ryan Season 3 Episode 3 Recap – A Source Uncovered

Jack Ryan Season 3 Episode 3 Recap – A Source Uncovered

When we last saw Jack Ryan, he had just been picked up by Mike November and was safe in Santorini Greece, hell bent on finding who the source who was feeding him information was. Whereas Greer who was trying to help Jack wound up being sent to the Czech Republic as a punishment. What happens next, with our heroes spread out across the world?

Read the recap of Season 3 Episode 2 here 



Jack Ryan

Courtesy of Amazon Studios

This episode finds Jack and Mike November in Vienna Austria. Where we see Mike tailing Zoya whom we first saw give Jack the Intel about Sokol jn episode 1. Jack Sneaks into her apartment and once they are face to face, he asks for her help in setting up a meeting with the person who’s been feeding them information.


Back in Rome, the FBI is commandeering Jack’s office, his files and are looking for him themselves, officially labeling him as a rogue agent and a traitor. Things seems bleak for Jack, how the hell is he going to figure out a way out of this one now?

Meanwhile Greer is in the Czech Republic to speak to President Kovac

Jack Ryan

Courtesy of Amazon Studios

on the assassination of Popov, he shocks her by telling her the NSA has transcripts of Popov’s phone calls, and that he was on the same page as the president all along, which may have lead to his death. Greer then brings up the possibility that the new defense minister Petrov, may have something to do with it.

Soon Elizabeth gets wise of the fact that Jack is in Vienna, by tracking Zoya, and since she had lost control of the situation and was now ordered by the top of National Intelligence, she had to hand that information over to the NSD, and now the dead or alive option is mainly limited to one option, especially since Elizabeth’s boss agent Miller has charged him with treason.

Jack Ryan

Courtesy of Amazon Studios

When Greer finds out, he calls Mike and speaks to Jack and warns the two of them that the NSD had agents on the way to Vienna to arrest them. In that moment Greer says something that sets the premise for the whole season, “I think both of you are in way over your head, and every day you’re on the run, you’re digging a hole that you may not be able to get out of.”

This is when things get really exciting. Jack and Mike enter a train station in Vienna, still trying to find the source who sent the scientist to them in the first episode. They board a train, but not before Jack looks directly at the camera, in order to set a trap, and with the help of their very clever tech guy, who changes the number of the platform and the location they are able to throw the NSD Agents of their trail for a while.

Jack Ryan

Courtesy of Amazon Studios

But hold on a second, they’re not in the clear yet, because as Jack and Mike are on the train, Konstantin appears and starts to stir up trouble. First he knocks out Mike and locks him in a bathroom, and as jack is walking through the train, we see Luka inject him with something.

Konstantin now starts to attack Jack and beat him up, Jack fights back but Konstantin pins him down on the ground. Near the trains exit. We then see Luka come up behind him and start to ask certain questions, he mentions the drug he injected Jack with, which he says is truth serum. Things start to heat up for Jack, and just as you think Luka is about to shoot him, his gun points to Konstantin instead, and kills him. Telling him it was nothing but water in the syringe, he goes on to say “We have much to discuss and little time, if we are to stop Sokol,” which confirms everything we thought about Jack’s source.

Greer takes President Kovac back to the football stadium, he impresses upon her that this was an inside job. While making her relive the situation she comes to the realization that Radek wasnt with her when Popov was assassinated. Greer shows the president a video of the supposed shooter driving in with someone in the passenger seat that they cannot identify. James confirms that Radek is behind the plot.

When Jack asks Luka why he wants to help the CIA, he very says that for once they are on the same side. They have a long conversation about why Luka chose Jack, how he got them to go after Yuri, why Konstantin was a traitor and how Sokol was a mistake made by a rogue faction of Russia who wants to restore the Soviet Union, and to do so they need Uranium from one of Mike’s client’s, Levan Zubkov, in Budapest, which is where they head.

This makes Jack do the unthinkable, he calls Elizabeth Wright, with the info he has, admitting that Luka is his asset, but the fact that it comes from Luka Gocharov is not a big sell for the agency, he warns her that the US and Russia are being baited into War. Elizabeth however keeps her call with Jack quiet.

The episode ends with a reminder from Mike “Remember that line I was telling you about, you just crossed it.”

Things get really intense in this episode, both politically and action wise. John Krasinski describes Jack as “the superhero that didn’t have a cape,” this season Jack’s moral compass is called into question and we see him having to make a decision that will save everyone but put everything he has worked so hard for in jeopardy.

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Fangirl and Writer with a huge passion for entertainment.

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