If you had “book version of a notoriously bad ’90s video game” on your bingo card, you’re one step closer to a row. Limited Run Games has announced a novelization of Plumbers Don’t Wear Ties–the critically panned adventure game for PC and 3DO.
The novel will be written by Mike Drucker, who received an Emmy nomination for his work on Bill Nye Saves The World and Full Frontal With Samantha Bee. This will not be his first foray into video games, however, as he once revealed his part on the localization team for Kid Icarus: Uprising.
Have you ever wanted to read Plumbers Don’t Wear Ties? You have? Oh, that’s kinda weird—but boy we’re about to make your day. Emmy-nominated TV writer and comedian @MikeDrucker & @PressRunBooks have come together to release an official novelization of this 3DO classic.
Preview… pic.twitter.com/bPFmjoff2V— Limited Run Games (@LimitedRunGames) September 19, 2023
The book will chronicle the full story of the 1993 release, which follows two singles, John–the plumber who literally has a tie on the cover of the game –and Jane, as they are pressured to find love. The game has become notable for being one of the worst of all time, thanks to what a past GameSpot list called “amateur hour acting, photography, and surreal sensual choices into a package that’s about as erotic as doing your taxes.”
The novel will be released alongside a physical and digital re-release of the game by Limited Run Games on all major consoles and PC. The updated version will feature 4K resolution on all in-game photos, behind-the-scenes commentary, and an interview with Jane’s actress, Jeanne Basone.
The re-release of Plumber Don’t Wear Ties is scheduled to launch on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Preorders will be available on the Limited Run website from September 22 to October 22.
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