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HomeEntertaintmentWhat to Watch‘Chicago P.D.’ Recap: Season 10 Finale — Is [Spoiler] Dead or Alive?

‘Chicago P.D.’ Recap: Season 10 Finale — Is [Spoiler] Dead or Alive?

‘Chicago P.D.’ Recap: Season 10 Finale — Is [Spoiler] Dead or Alive?

Blood was spilled — so, so much blood — in Chicago P.D.‘s volatile Season 10 finale as Intelligence closed in on white supremacist Richard Beck.

For Ruzek, hanging around a racist for an extended period was not fun, and the case began to take its toll. Confiding in Burgess and seeing Makayla seemed to be the only things keeping him sane.

He blew his cover, though, when Samantha threatened to leave town with her son Cal, and that proved to be a major shift in the case. Voight, with help from ASA Chapman, secured a deal for full immunity for Samantha and Cal — but only if she cooperated. It took some convincing before she agreed, and the team then bolted into position.

With Ruzek helping Samantha and Cal pack their things, the rest of Intelligence spread out for a large-scale operation that spanned multiple locations. Unfortunately, their raid came up short because Richard was nowhere to be found. However, Atwater did find stacks of C4 moments before the building exploded. Don’t worry, everyone made it out fine.

The same could not be said for Ruzek, who was shot in the abdomen by Cal. Samantha grabbed her son and ran, while a profusely bleeding Ruzek slid to his phone to call for help. In the ambulance, Ruzek used what little strength he had left to make Burgess promise that she would find Samantha and Cal.

At the hospital, Burgess looked helpless waiting for an update on his condition but was soon comforted by Platt. (Note: Shouldn’t Platt be checking in on her husband Mouch?) That gave her the strength to leave and follow through with her promise to her beau.

A tense showdown saw Burgess apprehend Samantha, who begged the Chicago cop to say she shot Ruzek instead of Cal. Richard then plowed through the scene in his truck and took young Cal hostage. That all culminated with Atwater killing Richard, splattering blood all over the unharmed kid in the process. As the dust settled, Cal stared down Atwater with a chilling hatred that suggested this was far from over for him.

For those hoping to get an update on Ruzek, you’re going to have to wait until next season. The episode ended with a visibly shaken up Voight sharing a drink with Chapman.

What did you think of Chicago P.D.’s Season 10 finale? Are you worried for Ruzek? Grade the episode below, and then share your thoughts in the comments. 

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