Superman, The Man of Steel, The Last Son Of Krypton, The World’s Greatest Superhero, The Man of Tomorrow, and the character that started it all, is 85 this year, and he still doesn’t look a day over 30! The best part? It’s his birthday, but we get all the gifts, thanks to the new DC Shop collection.
The online store has released exclusive new merchandise, celebrating 85 years since the debut of DC’s Superman in Action Comics #1. Highlights include new items inspired by Superman: The Movie, apparel featuring Superman’s S-shield from Action Comics #1, and more.
Here’re a few links to get you started. All DC fans, will find something SUPER for their collections!
The impact that Superman has had on popular culture cannot be overstated. He was the first super-powered costumed crimefighter, and the one that started it all. Whether you’re a fan or not, love him or hate him you have to respect him. Without The Man of Steel there may be no DC Comics, or even DC Comics News for that matter!
The success of Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, and all the other DC Superstars may not have been possible without Action Comics #1 and the debut of Superman.
This is a a superhero who’s known and loved the whole world over and one of only three fictional characters who’s had new stories created about him for over eighty consecutive years! That’s a super achievement, if ever there was one.
Are you a Super-Fan? Which amazing items from the DC Shop Collection have caught your eye? Be sure to let us know.
Images and Press Release Courtesy of DC Entertainment