Former Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson appeared on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show” to discuss her upcoming book “Enough,” which details among other things what she witnessed working for Trump during the period culminating in his attempt to overturn the government on Jan. 6, 2021.
Hutchinson has of course revealed many shocking details about Trump and his various associates in the book, which are still coming to light in advance of the book’s Sept. 26 launch. Among them, she accused Florida congressman Matt Gaetz of groping her on two occasions.
In a statement given to Maddow, Gaetz denied the accusations, claiming instead that he used to date Hutchinson — while also accusing her of lying about what she witnessed on Jan. 6.
“I don’t remember either of these events and based on Cassidy’s prior false statements, I doubt they occurred. I did date Cassidy for a few weeks when we were both single years ago. We parted amicably and remained friends thereafter, even during President Trump’s post presidency when she asked me to help her secure housing in south Florida because she was eager to continue working for President Trump,” Gaetz said.
Asked about this by Maddow, Hutchinson didn’t address the claim that she “was eager to continue working” for Trump even after Jan. 6 and had asked Gaetz for help finding a residence near him. But she did shoot down his claim that they dated.
“Matt Gaetz, in my opinion, is somebody that I personally do not hold in high regard in terms of trust. And I do not think that Matt Gaetz has the best track record for relationships and condoning his relationships, how he thinks that they might be defined,” Hutchinson said. “I will say, on behalf of myself, I never dated Matt Gaetz. I have much higher standards in men. And Matt, frankly, is a very unserious politician. We see that today with the ruckus that he is causing on Capitol Hill with the spending negotiations. I don’t really have much else to say to somebody that is more concerned about a sound bite than actually passing legislation.”
Watch the clip below: