Review: Green Lantern #5
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writers: Jeremy Adams and Peter J. Tomasi
Art: Xermanico and David Lafuente
Colors: Romulo Fajardo, Jr. and Tamra Bonvillain
Letters: Dave Sharpe and Rob Leigh
Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd
Sinestro unleashes the drones and Hal must find a way to save both Washington, DC and Moscow…can he be in both places at the same time?
It would be easy to say Green Lantern #5 is a great action issue, and it is, but what really stands out is that Jeremy Adams drives that action with the characters in the story. There’s already an interesting dynamic between Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris in this series, and as she has to rely on him to try and stop the drones, the push and pull appears to go back to Hal. It’s not overstated, but it’s subtle. Hal to his credit doesn’t lord it over her or anything narcissistic, but rather it’s present and the reader can feel it happening naturally. Adams and artist Xermanico build up the tension effectively as Carol is on pins and needles waiting for Hal to save the day. Carol needs Hal’s expertise in this moment.
Adams gives us a Hal Jordan that is great at his job as Green Lantern. He shows what Hal is capable of doing. He allows Hal to show off what his new ring can do as he tries something extremely difficult. It’s a feat of multitasking and coordination any drummer would be proud of. Green Lantern #5 shows why Hal is a great Green Lantern. Adams leans into the key characterization of Hal Jordan: will power, confidence and willingness to take risks. Since his first appearance in Showcase #22, the attributes that make Hal a great test pilot also make him a great Green Lantern. Adams clearly understands what readers like about Hal and how to present that, as well as being able to deliver the nuanced approach to his relationship with Carol.
The second part of “Wayward Son” by Peter J. Tomasi and David Lafuente show Korg investigating his belief that Sinestro is his father. Additionally, the Oliver Twist motif is expanded upon a bit. The mystery deepens, though as he also learns something of his mother and his birth planet…Korugar. This second feature is shaping up to be a compelling situation for Sinestro who manages to manifest something altogether new at the end of the main story.
Green Lantern #5 is a “how to” balance character, story and action. Not only does it focus on character, it get the character parts right. These characters feel like the characters they are supposed to be, and that’s not something that’s happening enough in comics today. Adams had a great run on The Flash and after escaping the distraction of Knight Terrors, it’s really coming together in Green Lantern, as well.