1. “Raiders of the Lost Ark” (1981)
An unimpeachable masterpiece, “Raiders of the Lost Ark” did nearly as much to change the movie business as “Spielberg’s “Jaws” and Lucas’ “Star Wars” had and cemented Ford as a major movie star. Dr. Jones is tasked by shadowy government officials to track down and stop a Nazi plot to acquire the Ark of the Covenant (which they hope to weaponize). Jones, always the skeptic, doesn’t believe in the mumbo jumbo but goes along with it anyway. Lawrence Kasdan’s richly detailed script, based on a story concocted by Lucas and Philip Kaufman, gives Jones the dashing personality of a matinee hero but also a complicated inner life, one filled with regret and discarded relationships (like Marion Ravenwood, played by Karen Allen). And Spielberg, clearly relishing the opportunity to create a new iconic hero while also developing a beautiful Jewish revenge myth, has never been better. “Raiders of the Lost Ark” isn’t just the high point for the franchise but it is one of the most impressive, creative action movies of all time. (Incredibly, the sequels, of varying qualities, have done nothing to tarnish its power. Neither did the legion of off-brand imitators.) It’s a classic for a reason.