Pedro Pascal, who has become the iconic father figure in shows like “The Last of Us” and “The Mandalorian,” admitted that he fell asleep while filming the gruesome death of his chararcter in “Game of Thrones.”
“Hot Ones” host Sean Evans asked Pascal about the dynamics of shooting scenes in which characters get their eyes gouged out, which also happened for Pascal in “Equalizer 2.”
“And maybe in this interview as well,” Pascal joked as he reached the midway point of spicy sauces, taking two bites of the wing and humming. “I can beg you to gouge my eyes out and collapse my skull in case it gets really bad.”
“I got my head crushed in. It was the best part of the day. It was so hot when we were shooting that scene,” Pascal said about his character’s death by eye gouging. “He’s over me and he puts his thumbs into my eyes and they’ve got piping — or tubing — through his body into his forearms to his thumbs pumping this cool blood. So gentle, like the gentlest guy ever. I felt no pressure at all, he was so hyperaware of it.”
Pascal went on to describe the scene in which The Mountain, or Ser Gregor Clegane, (Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson) brutally kills his character Oberyn Martell.
“There were all of these fleshy bits that they were placing all over my face and pumping blood so that it would pool and spread through the amphitheater for this good wide shot of us from above. And I was dead asleep,” he said. “It was so hot and this stuff was so cooling to the touch and you had to be really really still. That was the most relaxing and knowing also that we had gotten to the end of this four-day fight, it was very cathartic and I went into the deepest sleep I’ve been in.”
Pascal joked that he’s not a good sleeper and so this technique was helpful in teaching him what he needed to doze off — cool gelatinous pieces of flesh, face meat and pooling blood.
Pascal also discussed rumored Nic Cage pillows given to the cast on the set of “The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent” once the spicy mushroom torture sauce kicked in.