Hogwarts Legacy is a massive hit. The game has sold 12 million copies in two weeks and according to most critics and consumers alike, it’s great, especially if you’re a fan of Harry Potter. That said, it does have its shortcomings. For example, it has some performance issues. Some of its side and miscellaneous content is also uninspired, repetitive, or simply not well thought out. To this end, one part of the game, in particular, has come under scrutiny over on the game’s Reddit page. Most of the game’s Reddit page is brimming with praise and memes, but some criticism and feedback have poked through.
For example, one of the top posts on the game’s Reddit page this week is titled “Demiguises are an awful bottleneck and Gladwin Moon’s questline needs to be reworked.” It seems many players agree with this sentiment as the post shot to the top of the Reddit page with nearly 3,000 votes of approval and a ton of comments echoing the feeling.
“There are several Metroidvania-style content gates in this game, and most work well, but the Demiguises do not,” reads the Reddit post. “It’s ridiculous to me that a double-digit percentage of doors are inaccessible and locked behind a collection quest that lacks objective markers and requires you to fiddle with the time of day every time you encounter a piece. What a drag. This type of low-effort and boring tick-the-checkbox quest should be reserved for unlocking concept art or a trophy for completionists, not major parts of the game.”
“I just didn’t understand from a story perspective,” reads one of the most popular replies. “I finished the mission and got the resolution but to mess with Moon he put statues in random people’s bedrooms that are locked behind closed doors? Didn’t anyone think they could’ve come up with a better reason?”
Of course, it’s too late for this part of the game to be reworked, but you hope Avalanche Software will see this criticism and other criticism and take it into account when the inevitable sequel is made.
As always, feel free to leave a comment or two letting us know what you think or, alternatively, hit me up on Twitter @Tyler_Fischer_ and let me know over there. Do you agree with this Hogwarts Legacy take?