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HomeDCU28 Easter Eggs & DC Movie References

28 Easter Eggs & DC Movie References

28 Easter Eggs & DC Movie References

Warning! This article contains spoilers for The Flash.Serving as the bridge between the DCEU and the new-look DCU, The Flash‘s multiversal story offers up several references, cameos, and Easter eggs to both Warner Bros.’ and DC’s history. Directed by Andy Muschietti, The Flash tells the story of Barry Allen, the titular speedster. After his mother was killed and his father incarcerated for her murder, Barry attempts to use his powers to reverse time, saving both his parents in the process.

Due to the film’s nature as a multiversal, time-travel-related story, The Flash has plenty in the way of fan service and references. Much like MCU movies of the past like Spider-Man: No Way Home and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness or Sony attempts like Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, The Flash has a lot of fun with alternate timelines and other DC franchises. With recent news on The Flash 2 indicating a sequel could be possible, the cameos, Easter eggs, and references found in The Flash could continue into the DCU’s future.

Related: The Flash 2 Could Happen At DC, But It Needs To Hit A Specific Box Office Target



28 Wonder Woman Has A Cameo In The Flash Movie

The biggest cameo in The Flash‘s first act comes in the form of Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman. After having a similar appearance in 2023’s Shazam! Fury of the Gods, Diana Prince/Wonder Woman appears in Gotham at the climax of the film’s opening action sequence. The scene ends with Ben Affleck’s Batman hanging off a bridge, trying desperately to keep a criminal holding dangerous chemicals from dropping into the river as it could destroy the city. Just as he falls, the Lasso of Truth wraps around him as Wonder Woman saves the day before flying off to another adventure.

27 The Flash References The Snyder Cut’s Barry & Iris Scene

Flash saves Iris West in Zack Snyder's Justice League Snyder

Later in The Flash‘s first act, Barry meets with Iris West. In the DCEU so far, Barry and Iris have only interacted in Zack Snyder’s Justice League, when the former saves the latter from a car accident. Outside of this, Kiersey Clemons has not appeared in any other DCEU movie, meaning The Flash somewhat canonizes the events of Zack Snyder’s Justice League. Even more so, Iris references the car crash scene from the 2020 film, stating that she and Barry have met briefly before. Barry denies this, in a fun nod to the unclear nature of Zack Snyder’s Justice League in DCEU canon.

26 Barry’s Dad Is Incarcerated In DC’s Iron Heights Penitentiary

The Flash Henry and Nora Allen pic

Stemming from the story established with Barry and his dad – Henry Allen – from Justice League, Barry remains in contact with his incarcerated father. One scene in The Flash features the two talking on the phone before Barry’s dad is cut off by the prison. The prison in which Henry is being held is named Iron Heights Penitentiary, DC’s most famous prison from the comics. Iron Heights is predominantly used by the Flash in the comics – and the CW TV show – and is where most of Barry’s rogues are held after he arrests them.

25 Barry’s DCEU History Is Visible In The Speed Force

The Flash from the 2023 movie next to Flash, Superman, and Cyborg from the DCEU's Justice League

Undoubtedly the biggest vehicle for references, Easter eggs, and cameos in The Flash is the Speed Force, the mystical realm Barry is transported to when he runs fast enough. Via the Speed Force, Barry sees glimpses of his past, showcasing his DCEU history. With The Flash’s Rotten Tomatoes score ranking it as the third-best DCEU solo movie, the references to Barry’s past in the franchise hit even harder. From the events of Justice League to earlier periods of Barry’s life established in The Flash, the Speed Force offers a brief retelling of Ezra Miller’s tenure as the Scarlet Speedster in the DCEU.

24 Henry Cavill’s Superman Appears Twice In The Flash’s First Act

Custom image of Henry Cavill's Superman and Ezra Miller's The Flash side by side.

Through the Speed Force, Henry Cavill’s Superman makes an appearance in The Flash. One of the elements of Barry’s life that can be seen is his battle with Superman alongside the rest of the titular team from Justice League. Despite his time as Superman coming to an end, Cavill appears albeit via a flashback. However, another scene in The Flash – outside of the Speed Force – shows Cavill’s Superman saving people from an active volcano, in what is more than likely his last appearance as the Man of Steel.

23 Barry Lives Opposite A Store Named The Grayson’s

A fun nod to the wider DC Universe comes in the scene in which Barry is talking to Bruce Wayne outside of the former’s apartment. Opposite Barry’s house is a store named “Grayson’s”. This is a reference to the DC family of the same name from which Dick Grayson hails, a hero commonly associated with Batman as the first Robin and later Nightwing.

22 Alternate Barry’s Room Features Many Poster Easter Eggs

Ezra Miller as Two Barry Allens in Front of the Flash Emblem

After traveling back in time, Barry enters his alternate self’s bedroom. On the walls of the room, some fun Easter eggs can be seen linking to Warner Bros.’ history. Alternate Barry has many film posters plastered on his wall, including I Am Legend, Inception, and Pacific Rim, all movies that were distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures.

21 Alternate Barry’s Room References James Gunn’s DC Takeover

Scooby-Doo 2002 Movie Poster

Similarly, alternate Barry has a poster on his wall of 2002’s Scooby-Doo. Scooby-Doo was one of the first films James Gunn wrote in his Hollywood career, smartly referencing the filmmaker’s takeover as the head of DC Studios alongside Peter Safran. Similarly, a flashback in The Flash shows young Barry wearing a t-shirt referencing the Mystery Machine from the Scooby-Doo franchise, another subtle link to James Gunn.

20 Temuera Morrison Has A Cameo As Tom Curry In The Flash

Temuera Morrison as Arthur Curry in Aquaman.

Another fun cameo found in The Flash comes in the form of Temuera Morrison. Morrison previously appeared in 2018’s Aquaman as Tom Curry, the father of the titular Atlantean. When Barry travels to an alternate dimension in The Flash, he seeks out the Justice League, leading to him calling Tom Curry. Morrison appears, only as an alternate version of the character who is married to a human and whose only knowledge of Arthur Curry comes from his dog as Aquaman was never born.

19 Barry Was In Metropolis During Man Of Steel

The World Engine attacking Metropolis in The Flash

One of the more interesting Easter eggs in The Flash is more of a retcon. While many thought the battle of Metropolis from Man of Steel was going to be revisited in The Flash‘s alternate timeline, it was actually revealed that the scenes were directly from Man of Steel and the DCEU’s timeline, showing that Barry was in Metropolis during Zod’s attack. Barry had just gotten his powers, and traveled to Metropolis to help, before realizing the situation was too much for him to handle and leaving it to Superman.

18 The Flash Has Alternate Versions Of Classic 80s Movies


As The Flash deals with alternate timelines, the film has a lot of fun with how things are different from the world both the audience and Barry know. This is mostly done through classic 1980s movies, with the alternate versions of them being referenced. In The Flash‘s alternate timeline, Marty McFly from Back to the Future was played by Eric Stoltz, with Michael J. Fox playing the lead in Footloose. As a result, Kevin Bacon was revealed as the actor who played Maverick in Top Gun, all of which causes Barry to realize he “broke the universe.”

17 Danny Elfman’s 1989 Batman Score Is In the Flash

Batman standing in the shadows in 1989's Batman

With the return of Michael Keaton’s Batman in The Flash comes the return of Danny Elfman’s iconic score from the 1989 film. As heard in the trailer for The Flash, the final cut of the film makes exciting use of Elfman’s original theme from Batman. Whether it accompanies the first view of the Batcave or Keaton’s first fight as Batman in The Flash, the iconic leitmotif naturally evokes the excitement of seeing Tim Burton’s Batman in action once again.

16 Joker’s Laughing Bag From 1989’s Batman Is In The Flash

Jack Nicholson's Joker in Batman 1989

Another reference to 1989’s Batman comes from Joker’s laughing bag. In the original film, Batman stops Joker, but not before the latter has the last laugh emanating from a bag in the Joker’s breast pocket. This bag is seen in The Flash, with alternate Barry finding it in Keaton’s Batcave.

15 The Flash Has An Obvious Flashpoint Reference

Ezra Miller's Flash and DC Comics Flashpoint

While the entire premise of The Flash is based on the Flashpoint comic book, the film features one direct reference to the events of the original story. In the film, Barry tries to regain his powers by having Batman strap him to a chair and electrocute him. In the original comic book, Barry attempts to do the same, only with Thomas Wayne’s version of Batman. Still, the reference in The Flash is clear to see, especially considering neither attempt works the first time.

14 Alternate Barry References Star Wars’ Emperor Palpatine

Emperor Palpatine shooting Force Lightning.

In The Flash‘s final act, the alternate version of Barry begins learning a lot of Flash-related powers, such as how to build up energy and channel it to shoot lightning at enemies. After normal Barry says Kryptonians cannot be defeated by him and alternate Barry, the latter asks “What if I just Emperor this guy?” before shooting lightning at a soldier. This is an obvious reference to Emperor Palpatine from the Star Wars franchise, whose primary weapon is his Force lightning.

13 Barry References His Superman Fight From Justice League

Black Suit Superman in Zack Snyder's Justice League and Flash_Superman Post-Credits Scene In Justice League 2017

Similarly, alternate Barry states that the Kryptonians are too fast at one point in the final battle. Normal Barry then states that the Flash is faster, a reference to one of Justice League‘s best moments. This links to the Justice League fighting Superman, in which Barry is shown to be faster than Superman, but only ever so slightly as he battled against the Man of Steel.

12 DC’s Spherical Multiverse Is Referenced In The Flash

The Flash Arrowverse DCEU Multiverse

During The Flash‘s climactic Speed Force scene, many different DC universes are shown from across the multiverse. These universes are shown as multicolored spheres, which references the way DC themselves depict the multiverse. As evidenced by‘s map of the multiverse, The Flash accurately portrayed what the DC multiverse looks like by having the giant spherical universes collide with one another.

11 Christopher Reeve’s Superman Appears In The Flash

Christopher Reeve as Superman movie pic-1

This sequence of the multiverse clashing together in The Flash offers up the most cameos in the film, from multiple exciting DC franchises of the past. One of the universes that is shown to be affected by Barry’s meddling with the timeline is that of 1978’s Superman, with Christopher Reeve’s Superman making an appearance. The iconic character, a complete CGI creation, is shown to view the rift in the multiverse, alongside another familiar face.

10 Helen Slater’s Supergirl Has A Flash Cameo

The familiar face in question is Helen Slater’s Supergirl, who also has a cameo in The Flash as a full CGI creation. Slater first appeared as Supergirl in the 1984 film of the same name, a spin-off of Reeve’s Superman franchise. Both Superman and Supergirl from this dimension are shown to witness the multiverse falling apart before Barry fixes his mistakes via the Speed Force.

9 John Williams’ Superman Score Plays In The Flash

John Williams conducting an orchestra

Much like Elfman’s Batman theme accompanying Keaton’s character, John WIlliams’ iconic Superman score plays in The Flash. When Reeve and Slater appear as Superman and Supergirl, Williams’ theme from the 1978 movie can be heard playing. As Elfman’s score harkens back to one of Batman’s first successful on-screen appearances, Williams’ does the same for the character of Superman.

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