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HomeEntertaintment“Yellowjackets” Season Two, Episode Eight: It Chooses

“Yellowjackets” Season Two, Episode Eight: It Chooses

“Yellowjackets” Season Two, Episode Eight: It Chooses

This series has always amazed with its plot twists but in the eighth episode we will finally see what we have been waiting for for so long! We will not just get answers to most of the exciting questions but we will finally find out what our main characters have been hiding for so long. There is only one episode left until the end of the season and it seems that this is impossible. The audience really wants this journey (albeit creepy and bloody!) to go on and on.

But this season should get its logical conclusion. And the audience will definitely get what they want. In this episode we will see the most unexpected twists in the plot (as if there weren’t enough of them already!) and we will get answers to many questions. But don’t think that everything will be easy. Don’t tell anyone but from now on everything will only get worse. So let’s find out what happened in this episode.


After Lottie sacrificed herself and helped Shauna free herself from all the anger that she was holding inside her, everyone is trying to get over these events and trying to cope with ever-increasing hunger. Lottie is in very bad condition, so Misty is doing her best to somehow help ease her pain. But Lottie looks very bad and since there is nothing to eat, she may simply not survive. After the fight Shauna seems to come to her senses and also tries to help Lottie. Some of the team try to attack Shauna but Van tells them that Lottie did it intentionally so that Shauna could move on (considering what she went through after losing the baby!).


Akilah talks to her new friend (a little mouse she found in the pantry) and makes plans for the future when they are rescued. Taissa approaches her and asks her to show what she is hiding. Akilah says that it is hers and no one can touch her little friend. But then Taissa tells Akilah the bitter truth that her friend has been dead for a long time! She looks at the mouse and realizes that Taissa is right. She just can’t believe her eyes. How is this so? Was it really all a hallucination? But Akilah is not the only one who sees something that does not really exist.


Taissa realizes that something is wrong with her and that she is seeing her second self again and cannot overcome it. Van asks if she is all right and Taissa lies that everything is fine. Mari hears the sound of water hitting the roof again (but what is it?). Taissa says she can hear the sound too and points to the wall in front of the fireplace. Mari turns and sees blood dripping from the wall. She is horrified and screams. Her teammates are trying to bring her to her senses but Mari can’t get a grip. Van says it’s just hunger that is blurring her eyes. So was it another hallucination or reality?

Coach Ben talks to Natalie and she tells him that everyone around has changed so much and it’s all because of Lottie. It seems that she has some kind of supernatural influence on them and even Javi turned to this dark side. Ben asks why Natalie thinks Javi is also on the side of Lottie’s cult and she says she saw him worshipping some tree near the creek. Ben remembers about the drawing that he accidentally saw at Javi’s and decides to find this tree. He sneaks into the room (while Javi is sleeping) and finds this drawing. According to his map, which he drew with Natalie and Travis, he roughly calculates where this place is and decides to act (just in time!).


But before the road he decides to adjust his crutches a little so as not to fall in the snow. Misty sees Ben with a sharp knife and she is a little worried about it. She reminds him of a recent event (how he tried to jump down from a cliff) and asks him if she should worry about it. But Ben says that he just wants to clear his head and for this he needs to move around the woods on crutches because for him it is very difficult. He just wants to make them more convenient for himself. Misty is glad that everything is fine with the Coach Ben and calms down. But she doesn’t know what he’s really up to.


Lottie is still in bad condition, so Misty spends the night with her and looks after her. Lottie has a terrible dream, she can’t breathe. She wakes up and is delirious and says that if she dies, that they shouldn’t waste her body (oh my God!). Misty tells her she’s not going to die and doesn’t even want to hear about it. Coach Ben goes into the woods and finds the tree that Javi painted.

Ben realizes that there is something inside this tree and he turns out to be right. He sees a small shelter inside the tree, where you can build a fire and hide from the harsh winter. He understands that this is how Javi was able to survive for several months in the woods. So what is this mysterious place and how did it end up here? While Ben is trying to come to terms with the discovery of this mysterious place, the Yellowjackets are gradually going crazy with hunger.


Misty informs everyone that Lottie told her that if she died, they should eat her. But anyway they don’t want to believe it and decide that they need to do something to survive. They decide on the most terrible thing — they will have to choose a victim from their team and kill him or her. All this needs to be done because the wilderness wants it and they have to make this sacrifice. Perhaps, after that they will stop starving. Then they decide to choose a victim card, this is the queen of hearts. So whoever pulls out this card will become the victim they will sacrifice on the altar of the wilderness?


While events are taking place in the woods that will determine the fate of our heroines for many years to come, in the present they are trying to cope with the consequences of their past. After Jeff’s call, Shauna decides to go home immediately but her friends won’t let her. Lottie and Van don’t understand what’s going on and insist that Shauna, Natalie and Misty tell them everything. Lottie tells them that they need to hide from the eyes of the rest of the community and finally reveal the whole truth to each other. Taissa doesn’t understand how Jeff knows everything about Adam. Shauna tries to defend herself from the attacks of her teammates and says that she is not the only one who had secrets that she is afraid to reveal.


She was scared and out of her mind. So she told Jeff everything and she wanted him to be on her side. Taissa says they all want things they don’t have (is she talking about Van?). Shauna doesn’t believe what she hears. She asks Taissa how she found Van, if all this time they did not keep in touch with each other. Taissa says that nowadays it is very easy to find the address of any person (especially with her connections!). But then Misty enters the conversation and says that all this time she had Van’s address and she could just ask her and not spend money on private detectives (it seems everything has gone very far!).


Everyone is in a daze and wants Taissa to explain everything. Misty says that it was Taissa who hired Jessica Roberts. This private detective was snooping around finding out about the history of Yellowjackets and asking awkward questions. Taissa tries to justify herself and says that she only did it for their own safety (she wanted to find out if someone would blab if they were offered the right price for this information!). They just don’t believe what they’re hearing. Shauna asks Taissa what she would do if this private detective started playing hardball and revealed the truth.

Misty says they shouldn’t worry about it, because she took care of everything as always. Everyone is in shock! Yes, Misty had to kill her to keep her from saying anything because she kept her locked up and tied up for a long time. Misty says she only cared about the shared secret and didn’t know it wasn’t her blackmailing them. Only later did she find out that Shauna’s new lover Adam Martin was actually blackmailing them. Shauna doesn’t understand how they can blame her for all the sins if it was Misty who kept someone locked up and besides the FBI was asking questions about Natalie. Misty informs them that the FBI wasn’t really there but it was her and her new friend Walter.


It was he who lured Randy onto his boat and they were trying to figure out who kidnapped Natalie because Randy lived in the same hotel as her (it looks like the whole puzzle is coming together as it should!). And then Misty noticed that Randy was very scared, even though he shouldn’t have been. It seems that Randy was hiding something and was afraid that he would be discovered. Taissa agrees that Shauna began to suspect Adam only after she found the glitter in her closet next to her safe (where her diaries were!). But logically speaking, the only one who really had access was her husband Jeff. Oops, it seems someone has made a very big mistake! Shauna admits that it was her husband (he sent Natalie and Taissa the cards with a mysterious sign!).


While our main characters are trying to figure everything out, Shauna’s family, represented by Jeff and Callie, is facing new troubles. After the news announcement about Adam’s remains, the police head to Shauna’s house. Kevyn and his partner Matt Saracusa tell Jeff that they have a search warrant and since Shauna was in a relationship with Adam, she has become a suspect in this case. The police search the house. Jeff is concerned and asks if they need a lawyer. Kevyn doesn’t understand why they keep talking about a lawyer if they have nothing to hide. While Kevyn is trying to reach Jeff, Matt searches Callie’s room. He tells her that it was very clever of her to pretend that he took advantage of her.

Callie says she’ll put him in jail because he seduced her. She puts on a whole show but the detective does not believe her and says that she is the same as her mother broken and not herself. Kevyn asks where Shauna is now. Jeff says she decided to relax with her girlfriends at some fancy spa. But it seems to Kevyn that Jeff is not telling them truth. Then they decide to show photos of what’s left of Adam’s body. Jeff is terrified. The police say that the body parts were separated so neatly and everything was done so clinically that it could not have been done by some novice. Jeff hints that Shauna is simply not capable of such a thing but detective Saracusa says that she was able to survive in the wilderness and she has certain survival skills.


Jeff asks how then they can be sure that these are Adam’s remains. Kevyn says Adam was a bone marrow donor for his friend who had cancer. That’s how they managed to identify him. Jeff begins to feel dizzy. He asks the police to leave but Kevyn says he can help Jeff and his daughter Callie get out of this case. Jeff says he won’t say a word without a lawyer and asks them to leave. It looks like they’re in deep trouble now. At night Jeff goes to the kitchen and sees Shauna.


She hugs Jeff and then he feels a stab. He screams and realizes that it was a dream! He can’t sleep and finds his daughter in the living room. She is not herself and asks her father if she is like her mother. Jeff says that Shauna went through very serious events 25 years ago, which greatly affected her. As well as that, he tells Callie that Shauna was pregnant with his child when the plane crashed. Callie is just in shock. Jeff says she could have had a brother. Callie sympathizes with her parents and cries. Did Jeff get through to his daughter?

In addition to Jeff and his daughter, the audience is also shown Walter. He is doing a puzzle and enjoying the solitude of his luxurious mansion. And then he notices a message that Adam Martin’s body has been found. He finds the mail of the local police and writes them a letter saying that he has very important information that they will be interested in? So who is this Walter and what does he need from the Yellowjackets?


After the Yellowjackets choose the type of card in the woods that will be intended for their victim (the queen of hearts, as you remember), they stand in a circle and shuffle all the cards. Each of the team members must choose their own card. They pull out their cards one by one and each of them hopes for the best. When it comes to Natalie’s turn, her luck runs out. She gets the queen of hearts, everyone sees it. Shauna takes a knife from the altar and asks Natalie to turn away. Now they have to make a sacrifice and kill Natalie. But it’s not as easy as it seems. Natalie asks to stop and says that they should look into each other’s eyes. Shauna is still hesitant to do it.


While she lingers Travis attacks her and tells Natalie to run away. She runs into the woods and hides behind a tree. The remaining team members threaten Travis and he walks away from the door. But before that Travis catches the eye of his brother Javi (it looks like he knows how to help Natalie). The Yellowjackets run out into the woods screaming and howling like a pack of wolves. They are determined to kill Natalie because the wilderness wants it. Javi finds Natalie and talks for the first time in a long time. He asks her to go with him and confide in him.


He seems to want to take Natalie to the tree inside which he himself has been hiding for several months. But everything is not going according to plan. They are running on a frozen river but the ice is very thin. Soon the others catch up with them and then the ice begins to crack under their feet. Javi falls through the ice and drowns. He screams and calls for help. But all of them ask Natalie not to do it. If Natalie doesn’t die today, then it will be someone else — Javi! Javi drowns and dies. But Misty manages to grab his dead body, which they pull out of the icy river and see that he froze to death. Van says the wilderness has chosen a victim. But what will they do with Javi’s body? The answer suggests itself…


Our adult heroines are trying to figure out what to do next after Shauna admits that it was her husband who blackmailed them not Adam. Shauna says she couldn’t tell them the truth about Jeff because she was afraid they would just kill him. Taissa and the others say it’s crazy. But is it so? Van says she’s not surprised why Shauna hid the truth from them because they’ve already killed two people. Natalie thanks Shauna for being so open with them and says it’s time for them to talk about everything that happened in the woods and how it’s affecting them now. But Lottie says that therapy won’t help here and something very strong has brought them all to this place.


This is not a sense of guilt and not some kind of psychological need but something more powerful and something that guides them all. Lottie says she tried to resist it and argue with it but it’s too powerful. And now they need to give it what it wants. Shauna says that nothing that was in the woods was real (this so-called power!). Lottie asks Shauna if she has never felt this feeling inside that made them do what they did. Taissa agrees that they are all spoiled but they still managed to overcome it. Lottie tells them that the more they deny this power, the more everything in their lives collapses. And the only way to get out of this is to completely surrender to this force.


No one understands what Lottie is talking about. Lottie offers to give it what it wants — one of them. This choice will be made for them by phenobarbital, which is added to one of these cups with a drink. It’s quick and painless. Shauna says that Lottie has come very far and that their lives are not so terrible. Lottie tells them that they are a danger to others: Natalie almost killed herself, Shauna may now lose both her husband and daughter, Taissa almost killed her wife, Misty actually killed someone, Van does not seem herself and her life does not bring her happiness and Lottie herself is also a danger to others.


Misty is against such a solution to their problems because Lottie may know where the poison is. She says that the cups can be mixed and if it makes her feel better, she will drink this drink last. Lottie is sure that this is the only reason they survived in the woods and will be able to survive now. They have to give it what it wants. Will they be able to do it and who will be the next victim of the wilderness now? Viewers will be able to find out all this in the next episode. Get ready! It is just the beginning!

Check out Yellowjackets on Showtime.

Check out reviews for previous episodes below.

Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7

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Polina graduated from State University of Management in 2011 with a qualification of Publicity Specialist majoring in "Advertising" and has a diploma of professional training at the Academy of Communications "Wordshop" specializing in Digital-specialist. She has completed courses in copywriting and creative writing in 2019 and continues to develop these skills every day.
Polina is always ready to learn something new and challenging and expand her talents. She is obsessed with watching TV shows and movies and loves to discuss this topic on social networks with like-minded people.

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