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HomeEntertaintment“Yellowjackets” S2 Sixth Episode: Qui

“Yellowjackets” S2 Sixth Episode: Qui

“Yellowjackets” S2 Sixth Episode: Qui

The sixth episode of this series reveals to the audience a terrible secret and the trauma that the main characters are afraid to relive again. They are trying their best to remain calm, but they are doing it very badly. Each of the heroines experiences a variety of emotions in this episode. The previous series ended with a very important part — Shauna’s baby is on the way. Will Shauna be able to handle this in such difficult conditions? And will the rest of the Yellowjackets be able to survive this event? And what happens to the adult main characters — they are at a turning point! But what will happen next? So many questions and so few answers. But this is what the series is good at — after all, viewers worry about the main characters and have a feeling that something will definitely happen. But what? We’ll see in this episode…


This time a terrifying picture appears before the eyes of the audience — get ready to see a lot of blood! But what exactly is awaiting us? Shauna’s baby is on the way, but it doesn’t look like she’s ready for this important event. Everyone calms Shauna down as best they can and tries to help her. But is it really a help? Coach Ben seems so lost and doesn’t know what to do and how to help Shauna get through it all. Natalie and Taissa are in shock and dazed, but at the same time they convince Shauna that she can and will overcome everything.


Travis, Lottie and their small cult are trying to ask the wilderness or the forces of nature to help Shauna in this birth. They bring a small altar and put everything they can on it (the so-called gifts from everyone) and shed blood. But does the wilderness hear them? It seems that Misty should know exactly what to do in this situation, because she knows everything about it. But is it so? Misty has a nervous breakdown after she sees Crystal falling off a cliff and her death again. And Misty did it. She killed her! It seems that the Yellowjackets are in a desperate situation.


The only one who knows anything about childbirth is Akilah (Keeya King). Shauna sees that Misty is not there and starts to get nervous. But Akilah takes the situation into her own hands and promises that everything will be fine (and what else can she say?). Taissa, Natalie and Akilah ask Shauna to breathe and help the baby to be born. Lottie’s cult continues to call on the wilderness to hear them and help them. But it seems that everything is not going according to plan. Shauna is losing a lot of blood, and the baby still hasn’t arrived.

Lottie tries to convince Misty that Shauna really needs her right now. Misty can’t come to her senses and keeps repeating Crystal’s name. Lottie persuades her that it depends only on her now whether the child will survive or not. Misty comes to her senses and takes matters into her own hands. And it seems that everything is going to be fine. So the baby was born! But Shauna feels that something is wrong. And everyone else is behaving in a very strange way… So what’s really going on?


While the Yellowjackets are going through difficult events in the woods, adults Natalie and Lottie are trying to understand what they saw in their visions and what it means for them. Did they really take something bad out of these woods after they were rescued and drag it into real life? But what could it be? After Misty quarrels with Walter and asks for an overnight stay at Lottie’s wellness center, she won’t give up trying to figure out what really drives Lottie. She tells Lottie that she is only here to help Natalie escape from Lottie’s treacherous clutches. She doesn’t believe Lottie is just helping her. Lottie asks Misty to stay at her center for a while longer. Misty is clearly not thrilled with this idea, but decides to find out everything and join the team.


Natalie is going through a storm of emotions after a session with Lottie. She blames herself for the death of her best friend Travis. After all, it was she who convinced him that there was something wrong with them, that there was something dark in them. Lisa from the center sees that something is clearly wrong with Natalie and tries to help her. She tells Natalie that she shouldn’t blame herself for Travis’ death, it’s clearly not her fault. Natalie is sure that there is something wrong with her and she only destroys people and that Lisa should not be near her. But Lisa is sure that Natalie is not as bad as she says she is.


Lottie also feels out of place and comes back for a session with her doctor. She tells the doctor that she not only sees visions, but she also has this bad feeling — a return to the past, to those terrible events that they experienced 25 years ago. The doctor tells Lottie that perhaps these visions and a return to the past are just her fear of illness. But Lottie says that the problem is that she is not afraid of illness, but she is afraid of that she has never actually been ill. And that all events happen for a reason. And that some unknown forces brought Natalie and now Misty to the place where Lottie opened her center for helping people. Lottie says that these unknown forces are trying to show that everything that was in the woods was real, and something controlled this place. But what is it?


While Lottie is trying to cope with her emotions, Misty continues to find out everything about this place and pretend that she likes it. But this is far from the case. People from the center find out that Misty knows Natalie and Lottie very well. Thanks to this, Misty becomes popular here in a matter of minutes. Suddenly Natalie sees that Misty has not left this place with her friend Walter. Misty tells Natalie that she realized from Natalie’s appearance that something was wrong with her and decided to stay (but, of course, that’s not the point at all!). And Lottie doesn’t look like she’s all right, either. Misty says that at first she underestimated this place, but now she understands that Natalie will benefit from it. But Misty’s intentions are not so pure.


While Misty is at this center, she informs Taissa that she has met an old friend and that she has opened a wellness center and is helping people. When Taissa hears that this center belongs to Lottie, she can’t believe her ears. Misty suggests that Taissa come to this center and see everything with her own eyes. At this time, Taissa and Van are trying to figure out their relationship and what happened to Taissa at night. Taissa finds Van’s unpaid bills and realizes that she will lose her video store if she doesn’t pay them. She offers Van help as a lawyer. But Van asks Taissa to stay out of her business. Taissa talks about Misty’s call and offers to go to this center with her. Taissa is sure that she needs to go to where Lottie, Natalie and Misty are now. Will Van go with her?


While Taissa is figuring things out with Van, Shauna is also having a hard time — she is asked to go to the police station and answer a couple of questions. Jeff says that they will be able to overcome everything together, but the problem is that they ask not only Shauna to come but also their daughter Callie. Jeff doesn’t like all this, he’s worried that Shauna has dragged her daughter into their problems. Shauna says that if their daughter had slept with this cop without knowing that he was a cop, then they simply could not do anything to them. Jeff just can’t believe what he just heard. Shauna and Callie go to the police station but neither is sure how to behave in this situation. So what will happen?


Shauna is being interrogated by Detective Saracusa, and her daughter — by Shauna’s school friend Kevyn. Shauna confesses to the detective that she may not be a very good mother and did not keep track of her daughter, but it’s no secret to anyone. She’s just a bored housewife who wanted to feel young again. But it seems the detective has figured out Shauna’s trick. He shows her Adam’s picture and asks her when she last saw him. Shauna confesses to having an affair with Adam. What’s next? Kevyn tries to convince Callie that she should tell the whole truth about her mother and not lie for her. Would Callie give in too? But that didn’t happen and the daughter turns out to be more cunning than her mother and says that she thought that this guy (Detective Saracusa) loved her and that she was a virgin.


But it turned out that all he needed was to get to her mother Shauna. Kevyn says that she can’t make such accusations, because Detective Saracusa couldn’t have done this. Callie says the jury will obviously believe her and not some detective. While Shauna and Callie are testifying, Jeff is waiting for them in the car and sees that Taissa is calling Shauna. He picks up the phone and lies about how Shauna just can’t come right now. Then Taissa asks him to tell Shauna that she is going with Van to Lottie’s center, and that Natalie and Misty are in this center. She asks Jeff to be sure to inform Shauna about this and that she should also come there.


Shauna returns from the police station and tells Jeff that she confessed to having an affair with Adam (what a twist!). What will happen now? Jeff says that he is very concerned about Shauna’s condition and that she is clearly not herself. He tells Shauna about Taissa’s call and says that this center holds Lottie. Shauna can’t believe it. Callie returns after the interrogation and says that she used her mother’s advice (accused the detective of sleeping with her). And it seems that everything is fine. But this is not so, because Shauna confessed to her affair! Jeff says that Shauna needs to take a little trip and join her teammates. Maybe if Shauna is far away from here, he won’t do any more stupid things. But is it so?


But let’s go back to the events that take place in the woods with Yellowjackets. After the birth of the child, Shauna is in a state of confusion. It constantly seems to her that something is wrong. Shauna has a son and everyone is very happy about his arrival. But is it so? The child is constantly crying and does not want to drink milk from his mother’s breast. Shauna tries to do it, but each time the baby cries louder and louder. She falls asleep for a while and when she wakes up, she realizes that her son is not there. She sees Lottie singing a song to him and tries to feed him. Shauna chases Lottie away and says it’s her baby! Her condition is getting worse every day. She makes an attempt to feed her son again. And a miracle happens — he finally drinks milk!


Shauna talks to her son and says that in time he will understand her or maybe not. She says she didn’t want a son but only now she realized how much she loves him. Now she and her son are alone against the whole world. Shauna falls asleep again and when she wakes she finds he isn’t next to her. She has a bad feeling and when she goes out she sees a terrifying scene — her teammates are eating her baby, all covered in blood! Shauna is hysterical and then she wakes up! All this time, she was unconscious and all she saw was just a dream! She doesn’t understand anything and asks to be given her baby. Everyone is in shock and barely holding back tears — the child did not survive. But Shauna can’t believe it and says she can still hear him crying…


But even in the present time, our heroines are not experiencing the best of times. Taissa and Van head to Lottie’s center to see everything with their own eyes. Taissa tries to find out from Van how she has been living all this time and whether she has stopped believing in love. Van asks not to touch on this topic and says that being alone is the best option for her. They drive up to the gates of the center and see Shauna’s car, which is rapidly heading to the center. They’re coming for her.


Shauna sees Natalie and realizes that something has changed in her. Misty meets Taissa and sees that Van has arrived with her. She asks Taissa if they are really together again. But Taissa says that Van just gave her a ride, and she’s not going to stay here. Suddenly, everyone sees Lottie, Van falls into a stupor and it looks like she can’t move. It looks like the whole gang is assembled! And in the next series, something really unexpected is waiting for us! But viewers will only be able to find out what it is next week! So buckle up and get ready for anything to happen!

Check out Yellowjackets on Showtime.

To view reviews for the other episodes, click here: Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5

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Polina graduated from State University of Management in 2011 with a qualification of Publicity Specialist majoring in "Advertising" and has a diploma of professional training at the Academy of Communications "Wordshop" specializing in Digital-specialist. She has completed courses in copywriting and creative writing in 2019 and continues to develop these skills every day.
Polina is always ready to learn something new and challenging and expand her talents. She is obsessed with watching TV shows and movies and loves to discuss this topic on social networks with like-minded people.

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