No wonder they say that sooner or later old wounds will reopen, no matter how hard you try to hide them. And in the fourth episode, the secrets of the past do not leave our main characters alone. The darkest side of their past comes to light and they seem to have nothing to hide anymore. But this is far from the case. This series is so interesting. Viewers never know what to expect next and what mystery will be revealed again. This episode will be full of clues, but in addition, the series will present you with new riddles that will not be so easy to solve. And the unexpected appearance of new characters will not only surprise you, but also make you think how could this happen? Are you ready for a new adventure? Then, let’s take a look at what’s going on in this episode.
From the very first minutes of the episode, viewers see that the main characters are trying to cope with their past from which they have no peace. And no matter how much they want to hide it, everything comes out. Old wounds will never heal, and this is not surprising considering what they had to go through 25 years ago. But what happens to each of them? Each of them tries to cope with everything as best they can. But will they be able to defeat the darkness or will it take them over again?

Taissa, taking the keys from her assistant, goes to an unknown destination. But they give us a hint where she may go. She wants to seek the help of her friend, whom she has not seen for a very long time, after those events. Only she knows her dark side and can help her. Of course, the audience is given a hint that this is Van. And one way or another, we’ll see her. But Taissa falls asleep again and loses the thread of events that happened to her in the last hours. She finds herself on the road, in the car (the gas tank is empty). A passing car driver recognizes Taissa as an elected senator and gives her a helping hand (everyone has difficult days). Will Taissa get to Van?
Natalie still does not believe in the sincerity of Lottie’s intentions, and is trying to figure out what she is hiding from everyone. She sees Lottie going out (where?!) and asks her for the keys. Natalie wants to establish a connection with Lisa (Nicole Maines), and thus somehow help this community. She wants to go with this girl and refresh the supplies. Lottie gives the keys to Natalie. She doesn’t seem to believe Natalie, but she doesn’t try to stop her either. How will this trip end for Natalie?

Shauna and her husband Jeff are trying to talk about what happened to their relationship. Along the way, Jeff wonders how their car ended up at their house. Shauna lies and says that by a lucky chance it was found by a tow company. Jeff didn’t seem to believe her. He says that the police know that Shauna had an affair with Adam (allegedly he heard conversations in the gym). Shauna doesn’t understand how they found out. Everything ends with a quarrel and mutual accusations. Can Jeff and Shauna not find a way out of this situation?
Misty goes on a trip with Walter. She still doesn’t believe that he is helping out of the kindness of his heart. He offers for her to choose the music they will listen to. And then Misty goes on the offensive! She is sure that Walter recognized her and will blackmail her with what happened to the Yellowjackets in the woods. Walter says that he doesn’t care about those events, and they aren’t the most interesting part of Misty’s life. Misty still can’t believe that by some chance Walter also likes music from musicals. But it’s true! Has Misty found her perfect soulmate and will be able to heal her old wounds?

Lottie, after talking to Natalie, goes to her doctor to numb the old wounds that bother her so much. But what exactly is happening to her? She is surprised that her doctor took a sabbatical and didn’t warn her. But the doctor who replaces him assures her that she knows her whole story. Lottie asks her to prescribe more medication for her visions. She says she sees things she shouldn’t see again and wants to get rid of it as soon as possible. But the doctor pushes her to consider the idea that it’s worth thinking about what these visions want to tell her. Lottie says they are unreal and should not be taken seriously. But is it so? Will Lottie be able to cope with her visions?
In the woods, the main characters are still trying to somehow recover from the events that have happened to them all the time. But here, too, old wounds are making themselves felt. Shauna returns with food or rather with what is left of it. She’s furious as someone stole bear meat from the shed. But no one will admit it. Shauna says she could have taken more than she needed (for the baby), but she didn’t. So, who did it?

Mari (Alexa Barajas) is trying to blame Coach Ben for this. He reminds her that he is not as agile as she thinks (after all, he is missing a leg!). Then Mari blames Natalie for everything and says that she is the only one who does not believe in Lottie. After all, the birds unexpectedly fell onto their cabin and Shauna’s nose bled at the mysterious sign on the blanket for her baby. It means something!
Taissa, Shauna and Ben are sure that this is a pure accident. But do not forget that Lottie was able to enchant or summon a bear, which she was able to kill with one blow. How is this possible? Then Natalie suggests a competition between her and Lottie — they will both hunt and whoever can get food first will win. Of course, Natalie is sure that Lottie cannot cope with this, because she is not a hunter. They negotiate the rules — none of the others should help them, and they go in different directions.
While Lottie and Natalie are trying to find some food for the team, Van helps Taissa understand exactly what is happening to her in a dream and how she is connected to this place. Van shows Taissa the map that Natalie and Ben made to find food. On this map, she shows all the places that Taissa showed her when she walked in her sleep. Mysterious signs are depicted on all the trees. But how could Taissa know about this?

Van tries to hint that Taissa is connected with this place, but she does not believe in the supernatural and other nonsense. Then Van shows the map and the audience can see this mysterious sign again. She shows a specific place on the map and asks Taissa to check this place with her for the presence of a sign. But will they find what they are looking for?
At this time, Lottie is trying to figure out how to look for food, because she really is not a hunter. She turns to her natural gift and tries to hear the call of this woods, but it doesn’t work. Then she acts in an old traditional way — she makes a small sacrifice to the woods (cuts her hand). And then she sees the sunlight and goes out to the plane on which Laura Lee (Jane Widdop) died. But the plane exploded, how can she see it?

The viewer realizes that this is again one of Lottie’s strange visions. She finds Laura’s cross and a mysterious underground passage. After descending, she finds herself in another reality, where she sees the girls from the Yellowjackets team. Laura Lee offers Lottie something to eat (yes, that’s what she needs!). From the whole dream, the viewer understands that Laura Lee is trying to warn Lottie about something and bring her out of the dream, because it’s getting colder and colder every hour.

At the same time, Natalie notices footprints in the woods and follows them. She goes out to the lake and finds the same white moose on its surface (he is frozen and has been dead for a long time). But she definitely needs help, and the competition isn’t important anymore. She runs to the team for help and they all decide to help Natalie (after all, this is a chance for them!).
Only Mari tries to stop them, because there are rules. But no one listens to her anymore, because it doesn’t matter at all now. The guys are trying to pull him from the bottom, but the moose falls through the ice. It’s too hard and everyone’s strength is running out. Natalie tries to catch the rope, but in vain. Travis pulls her out of the cold lake, a little more and she would have fallen through the ice.
This episode is so full of events that take place both in the Yellowjackets’ present and the past that the viewer must follow everything very carefully so as not to miss anything. But how does Natalie and Lottie’s competition end? What do Van and Taissa find in the woods? And what is happening with the adult main characters at the present time? Let’s take a look.

At the present time Natalie and Lisa get closer and keep a little secret between them. Lisa asks her not to tell anyone that she stopped by her house. Natalie doesn’t understand Lisa, because she says that they are free in this community and can do what they want and leave when they want. But is this really the case? Natalie begins to understand Lisa and why she ran away from home. This is similar to the situation with Natalie (only in her family everything was even worse). She defends Lisa in front of her mother and says that she is free to live her life and no one has the right to interfere with this. Is Natalie empathetic to Lisa’s situation or pursuing her own motives?

Shauna and her daughter Callie are trying to establish a relationship. Shauna finds out that all this time her daughter has not spent the night at her friend’s. Then Shauna decides to tell the whole truth about Adam’s murder and what Jeff knows. At first, the daughter does not understand how her father could blackmail her teammates. Shauna confesses to her daughter that they did terrible things in the woods to survive and are very ashamed of them. She’s ready to tell her everything, but not now. Jeff doesn’t understand how Shauna could tell their daughter everything. But the daughter decides not to lie to them anymore and stays at home. Is everything going to get better for them?
Misty and Walter decide to go to a local cafe. Misty is sure that this is a small town and everyone will know everything about each other. She decides to ask the waitress about the strange people in purple suits. She informs them that they sell their honey at the local market every Tuesday. Misty and Walter go to this market and ask the locals if anyone knows where these people live. They get interesting information about these people and Misty wants to visit them immediately. But Walter suggests doing it in the morning and spending the night at a local hotel. This couple is perfect for each other!

Taissa arrives at the place where she will definitely find her bosom friend Van. And yes, the theory turned out to be true, the audience sees an adult Van (Lauren Ambrose), who did not expect the arrival of Taissa in any way. How can Van help Taissa? And why did they stop communicating? Let’s hope we will find the answers to these questions. But that’s not all the surprises and unexpected appearances at the end of this episode. If the audience guessed who Taissa went to for help, then they definitely did not expect such a turn of events at the end of the series.
In the woods, the team is trying to recover after the competition. Natalie warms up in hot bath to recover. At the same time, a barely alive Lottie is brought to the cabin. Lottie says it was a good game, Natalie laughs and agrees with her. It seems the hatchet is buried? Van and Taissa are trying to find a tree on which a mysterious sign can be drawn, but their search leads to nothing. Taissa suggests exploring the area again so as not to miss anything.

While Van is examining a strange tree (the snow is melting under it, although it is a cold winter), Taissa discovers a man in dark clothes and runs after him. They catch up with him and at this very moment the audience will be in complete shock — they bring Javi (Travis’ brother) alive and unharmed to the cabin. How can this be? How did he survive? Is this possible? Could Lottie really see things that others couldn’t?
We will learn all this from the next episode. But do not think that the creators will give answers to all questions. After all, there are even more questions. And the after-scene of the adult Lottie, who surrenders to her visions and again makes a sacrifice (bleeds) to a small altar on the community’s land. But will it be enough? We’ll see…
To view reviews for the other episodes, click here: Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3
Check out the show on Showtime.
Polina graduated from State University of Management in 2011 with a qualification of Publicity Specialist majoring in "Advertising" and has a diploma of professional training at the Academy of Communications "Wordshop" specializing in Digital-specialist. She has completed courses in copywriting and creative writing in 2019 and continues to develop these skills every day.
Polina is always ready to learn something new and challenging and expand her talents. She is obsessed with watching TV shows and movies and loves to discuss this topic on social networks with like-minded people.