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HomeEntertaintmentHouse of the Dragon Episode 5 – A Deadly, Bittersweet Affair

House of the Dragon Episode 5 – A Deadly, Bittersweet Affair

House of the Dragon Episode 5 – A Deadly, Bittersweet Affair

House of the Dragon Episode 5 is bittersweet.  The dynamic of the show is different now.  On top of story developments within this episode, a change in cast is on the way.  Milly Alcock and Emily Carry are now done as Rhaenyra and Alicent.  Does this final episode send them off on a high note?  Undoubtedly, the answer is a resounding yes!

The Green Wedding

House of the Dragon Episode 5

Courtesy of HBO

All the events that have been set up in the past few episodes have reached a climactic explosion.  From the affair between Rhaenyra and Corris, and Daemon, the kings faltering health, and Otto’s departure, it all comes together in a wedding.  Most fans of Game of Thrones are well aware of how weddings tend to end disastrously.  The Red Wedding saw the downfall of Robb Stark and the army of the North.  The Purple Wedding saw the unexpected murder of Joffrey and framing of Tyrion.  Both of these involved Lannisters in some capacity.

In an ironic case, the first guest seen arrive at the marriage of Rhaenyra and Laenor are the Lannisters.  While they play no major part in the events to come, it’s a clever bit of foreshadowing that this wedding will not end well.  And end well it doesn’t.

The first major notice that something will go wrong is Alicent’s arrival.  Earlier in the episode, she discovers that Rhaenyra has lied to her to some extent.  While Corris confesses to sleeping with her, she still remains unaware that Rhaenyra had exploits with Daemon.  Still, it’s enough to convince her that her father’s words were right, and Rhaenyra wouldn’t make a worthy queen.  She arrives at the wedding late in a green dress, a color used by the Hightower’s to rally men for war.

House of the Dragon Episode 5 Continues the Westeros Tradition of Deadly Weddings

House of the Dragon Episode 5

Courtesy of HBO

The wedding progresses after her dramatic entrance.  Gossip soon spreads, and Laenor’s lover, fittingly named Joffrey, calls out Corris for his affair with Rhaenyra.  Heartbreak now defines him, as Rhaenyra rejects his romantic advances.  His anger having built up, the wedding goes disastrous when Corris snaps.  In the middle of the crowd, a brutal fight occurs as Corris beats Joffrey to death.  The wedding is cut short and ends in a sullen affair, with Viserys’ sickness catching up to him.  The episode ends as he collapses to the ground, and the camera pans down to a pool of his blood.  In the meantime, Alicent stops Corris from killing himself, likely seeking to turn him into an ally against her former friend.

The Princess and the Queen

Like with all performances in the show, Milly Alcock and Emily Carry give it their all in their final performance.  Alicent’s transformation from passive force, to queen with authority in this episode is excellent.  The subtle ways in which Carry displays this, from her tone of voice, to facial expression, shows that she is no longer a tool for her father.  Rather, she is her own woman who has learned to use her social prowess to turn others on Rhaenyra.  Alcock’s performance is stellar of course.  The conversation she has with Daemon displays her full ambition, and hints at the potential madness within her.  Of course, there is always a chance to see these two again, but for their last major role, they have shown themselves to be stellar at their craft.

Final Thoughts

House of the Dragon Episode 5 is bittersweet, both in the context of the episode itself, and the circumstances surrounding it.  On one hand, it’s great to see the familiar tropes of Game of Thrones go in a new direction.  On the other hand, it’s sad to see the relationship of two dear friends fall apart due to this game of politics.  While Alcock and Carry are stellar actresses who’ve helped craft amazing characters, it is sad to see them depart after just a few episodes.  Still, amazing things have come from House of the Dragon, and amazing things will continue to come.

To view reviews for the other episodes, click here. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Check out the show on HBO Max!

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Graduated from Point Park University in 2021 with a Degree of English Creative Writing.
Author of the Chronicles of a Broken World Series
Avid Nerd and Enjoyer of All Things Fun and Thoughtful

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